first majestic silver

Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD

Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD Articles

The excitement in the stock market these days is not whether the economy will rebound the later part of his year, but by how much. However, after looking at some of the compelling data being used over the past couple of weeks, it makes me...
TRANSPARENCY: The headline read "Bank Stress Test Lifts Clouds of Uncertainty." Did it really? Did they explain the assumptions that they used? Was it mark to market, mark to model or what? Has the real estate market hit bottom? If not,...
The Enemies of Capitalism are not the Socialists, Marxists or Communists because everyone knows who they are and what they stand for. I think it was Capone who said "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." The real ENEMIES are...
"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher
"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.
Mention the word GOLD to any group of friend's colleagues or clients and watch their reaction. People either love gold or hate it; but there aren't many who feel ambivalent toward it. Those who love it realize that while various paper...
"We are spending more money than we have ever spent before, and it does not work. After eight years, we have just as much unemployment as when we started and an enormous debt to boot." -US Treasury Secretary, Henry Morgenthau, May, 1939
Back in late 1979, the lineups to buy Gold Coins and Bullion looked more like lineups of people waiting to buy Stanley Cup Hockey tickets at the then Famous Montreal Forum. There they stood all wrapped up in their parkas, ski jackets, and...

A gold nugget can be worth three to four times the value of the gold it contains because they are so rare.

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