first majestic silver

Bill Holter

Financial Commentator & Former Stockbroker

Bill HolterBill Holter writes and is partnered with Jim Sinclair at the newly formed Holter/Sinclair collaboration. Prior, he wrote for Miles Franklin from 2012-15. Bill worked as a retail stockbroker for 23 years, including 12 as a branch manager at A.G. Edwards. He left Wall Street in late 2006 to avoid potential liabilities related to management of paper assets. In retirement he and his family moved to Costa Rica where he lived until 2011 when he moved back to the United States. Bill was a well-known contributor to the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) commentaries from 2007-present. 


Bill Holter Articles

While taking a short vacation last week, this article was intended to be my first one upon returning. That plan was squashed a week ago with the brutal "interventions" upon gold and silver during the illiquid overnight hours early Sunday...
After planning to take this week off for a little rest, market gyrations have changed the plan. Initially next week I was going to pen a piece titled "Truth, Justice and no longer the American way". This will now wait a bit.
So Mr. Tsipras has sold out his countrymen. He called for a referendum fully expecting a "yes" only to receive a resounding no vote. No matter though, what was already "planned" has already gone forward to kick the can down the road. As...
In the last article "An indication of PPT failure", many readers wrote in and either asked what the various acronyms were or admonished me for using so many without explaining them. I will try in the future to assume the reader does not...
Forget about Greece, they didn't matter yesterday as the NYSE shut down for nearly four hours. Greece does matter and certainly will matter in the weeks to come. Before getting to yesterday's very peculiar "glitch", I do want to mention...
Often times I like to write about an event or someone else's article because of the importance to the overall picture. Today I will do something a little different. Below is an e-mail I received last Thursday from a friend. I have the...
Bill Holter joins The Doc for an Exclusive Update on the Greek Crisis, and the Potential for a Full Derivatives CONTAGION, Discussing: 1. Greek problem is not $3 billion, its $3 TRILLION IN DERIVATIVES- Will ISDA Allow Default? 2. Greek...
Now that we know Greece will default, where do things go from here? Before getting to that very tough question (with no concrete answers), I would ask another stinging question. "Was a Greek default really "already in the market"?
Not that almost any and all news today is enough to make you scratch your head, two pieces of news yesterday were bombshells! I am talking about Greece's stance of staying IN the Eurozone and the Zerohedge article regarding JPM "cornering...
This coming week could be very telling. China just ended a disastrous week and finished just whiskers away from entering bear market (-20%) territory. Credit markets all over the world are weakening and yields are rising. Greece will not...

The periodic symbol for gold is AU which come from the Latin for gold aurum.

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