Dimitri Speck

Dimitri Speck Articles

You may have heard that gold typically rallies seasonally from the middle of the year. This trend is driven by jewelry demand, which increases ahead of the Christmas business, the Indian wedding season and the Chinese New Year celebrations...
Dear Investor, You are probably already getting into the holiday spirit, perhaps you are even under a little stress. But the turn of the year will soon be here – an occasion to review the past year and make plans for the new one.
You are undoubtedly aware of one or another stock market anomaly, such as e.g. the frequent weakness in stock markets in the summer months, which the well-known saying “sell in May and go away” refers to. Apart from such widely known...
In recent issues of Seasonal Insights I have discussed two asset classes that tend to suffer performance problems in most years until the autumn, namely stocks and bitcoin. I thought you might for a change want to hear of an asset that...
Most people are probably aware of the saying "Sell in May and go away". This popular seasonal Wall Street truism implies that the market's performance is far worse in the six summer months than in the six winter months.
Deutsche Bank is a defendant in more than 7,000 lawsuits worldwide. In two of them it has recently agreed to settlements and is prepared to pay tens of millions of US dollars in restitution and fines. This includes the settling of lawsuits...
Prices in financial and commodity markets are exhibiting seasonal trends. This applies to the precious metals gold, silver, platinum and palladium as well. The chart below depicts the seasonal trends of the gold price over a time period of...
Since August 5, 1993, there has been a systematic attempt to administer downward impulse to the gold price through loans and sales of the metal. The intention of the involved Central Banks is to maintain low inflation rate expectations. An...
Random Walk, the name of a well-known theoretical market model of random price movements, definitely does not exist in the gold market. But then how does one explain gold's statistically proven price anomalies?
August 5, 1993: 'In a matter of seconds' the gold price dropped by $ 10 when COMEX trading opened in New York - a 'technical blitz of selling' had taken place. Observers talked about a 'bloodbath', they were 'speechless' and puzzled by the...

U.S. ranks third in world gold production with 240 tons per year

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