Roland Watson

Roland Watson Articles

This is an excerpt of the weekend update sent to subscribers on Sunday. The focus on this portion is the US Dollar Index which will largely determine the direction of silver and gold in the years ahead.
The advance of gold continues as the price action stays above the two year weekly channel that was breached for the first time a few weeks back. When this kind of event happens, technical analysts wait and see if what was formerly a line...
Gold has been on a roll these past few weeks as it has rocketed from the lows of $1046 on December 3rd to a high of $1200 this past day. That is an advance of 17% and doubtless many are wondering if this is the start of a new multi-year...
It’s time to check on how the venerable gold-silver ratio is doing since we last spoke on it. A look at the monthly OHLC price over the last twenty years is shown below with its 20 month moving average as well as the line chart of silver...
In my daily trip around the latest opinions and analyses of the precious metals markets, there was one phrase that seems to recur again and again. That phrase is “gold is undervalued”. One article I read pronounced on this matter by...
The battle lines are drawn and the fight for supremacy is drawn out along two lines. The first is the 100 line on the US Dollar Index. Since the 13th November, the dollar has meandered between 99 and 100 trying to push higher.
As gold began its descent from $1190 to a recent low of $1073, certain quarters of the gold investment community began to retell a familiar tale. This drop was engineered by central bankers aided and abetted by unscrupulous investment...
I posted an article on the gold-silver ratio (GSR) back in February 2009. My closing words were that “it looks like a top was set back in late January”. By that I meant a top in the GSR, not the price of silver which clearly had suffered a...
Last week I mentioned how silver was underperforming gold at this present time but demonstrated that this was something to be expected. Silver lags gold at the beginning of a bull leg up but as if to compensate this seeming conundrum,...
When both base and precious metals took a tumble in May, skeptics of the whole bull market felt confirmed in their view that a lot of the price action was purely down to speculators in the futures and options markets driving the price...

The term “carat” comes from “carob seed,” which was standard for weighing small quantities in the Middle East.

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