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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


September 24, 2024

Some Asian money managers are raising their recommended allocation to gold from 15%-20% to 25%.  That’s good news.

Countries that participate in the novel cross-border payments system mBridge are each hoarding gold and are largely responsible for the bull market of the past two years.

The best performing precious metal for the week was gold, up 1.33%. According to Canaccord, New Gold released an update on its ongoing exploration program at its New Afton mine, located in British Columbia. The results demonstrate the potential to incrementally add...

As a polarized U.S. marches toward a political, financial, and perhaps even military crossroads in the closing months 2024, many feel what George Lucas might otherwise describe as a “disturbance in the force.”

The Fed held off, held off, held off some more. It held rates at a high level for meeting after meeting, despite the fade in inflation signals that we’ve expected (and now seen) since Q1, 2023 (Goldilocks), unemployment that has long-since based and turned up, and...

We analyze some macro factors that determine gold stock performance and if and when they outperform Gold.

Mike McGlone joins us to discuss gold and the massive potential it has! Are you ready for the shock?

September 23, 2024

Gold is not doing much today, but silver has already invalidated its breakout. Perhaps GDXJ will do the same shortly.

The gold chart appears to be going parabolic, based on a solid structure that has been setting up since the 1800s. This structure is also related to the key U.S. monetary debasement events that affected the U.S. dollar since that time.

Under the global fiat currency regime, there have been two secular bull markets in precious metals: 1970 to 1980 and 2001 to 2011. The gains in the 1970s were far more dramatic than in the 2000s.

The financial media appear to once again be leading the public astray about the Yield Curve situation. The media pounded and pounded the yield curve’s inversion as a signal about an imminent economic recession. We have noted again and again that it is not the yield...

The United States Federal Reserve surprised markets Wednesday by cutting the benchmark interest rate by half a percentage point instead of the 0.25% reduction many were expecting.

The stock market went bonkers following the Fed’s first rate-cut since March 2020, but it’s more than a little tempting to sell the news. A return to easing had been rumored for the last couple of years, but with a pitchfork mob threatening to descend on the Eccles...

I'm seeing a lot of analysts trying to call it top in metals, and I don't understand why. I also see them trying to call a top in the stock market, not really understanding that either.

Every now and then, I peruse articles written on Seeking Alpha to glean a flavor for what the average investor feels about the current market environment.  And, to that end, I will scan the comments section for some nuggets of anecdotal sentiment.

Hey, did you hear about gold smashing through $2,600? Crazy, right? But here's the kicker - remember good ol' "Mr. Slammy" who always tries to keep prices down?

September 22, 2024

The mainstream financial media quoted me last week saying gold was the “all-weather” hedge against whatever may happen with the Fed pivot and more. That’s been proven accurate, as stocks are down, the dollar is stronger, and yields are rising... yet gold is soaring...

Thursday’s Prescient Commentary opened as follows:  “We were wrong about the Fed, it having cut its Funds Rates -50bp rather than by our -25bp assertion; and as is our wont, when we’re flat out wrong, we fess up…”

September 21, 2024

Gold sector cycle is up. Trend is up for gold and gold stocks and down for USD. Caution is now advised.

India reported record gold imports in August after the country slashed its import duty the month before. India ranks as the world's second-largest gold consumer behind China.

The FOMC meeting and press conference for September was projected to be a dovish one. Fed Chair Powell was expected to cut rates by 50 bps. The preponderance of Wall Street lackeys were busy begging for a series of immediate and deep reductions in borrowing costs....

September 20, 2024

In July, the Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) shipped another 3 tonnes of gold to the U.K. to swap for foreign exchange. A month prior, BCRA also transported 3 tonnes to the U.K. BCRA is now estimated to have 37 tonnes (60% of Argentina’s gold reserves) on swap in...

Gold’s reaction to the most-dovish Fed decision in years proved lackluster.  Plenty of traders thought gold would surge after an outsized rate cut birthing a new cutting cycle.  And with top Fed officials projecting many more cuts, it is going to be big.  Gold did...

When the Federal Reserve decides to slash interest rates, it sets off a domino effect in the financial world, and precious metals like gold and silver are among the first to feel the impact. Yesterday, we saw a 0.50% cut, so it’s time to revisit how these metals...

Last week, the Fed vice chair for supervision, Michael Barr, announced that the regulator had cut a proposed increase to capital requirements for the largest US banks by more than half. According to Barr, the Fed will increase capital requirements for the largest U....

Here are today's videos and charts.

In the latest Money Metals Midweek Memo, hosted by Mike Maharrey, a comprehensive discussion on the dangers facing the U.S. dollar, de-dollarization trends, and global central bank policies took center stage. 

Hedge fund billionaire John Paulson said he would pull his money out of the stock market and go into cash and gold if Kamala Harris wins the election. 

September 19, 2024

The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announced a 50 basis point cut in its federal funds rate target on Wednesday. The move marks a reversal at the Fed, which had held its target rate range at 5.25 to 5.5 percent since July 2023. FOMC members...

The Federal Reserve’s FOMC slashed the target federal funds rate at its meeting this month, reducing the target rate by 50 basis points from 5.5 percent to 5.0 percent. This was the largest cut to the target rate since March of 2020 in the midst of the Covid Panic...

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