Bankrupt Banks Forecast

Founder & Chief Editor of Gold Eagle
October 6, 2014

Bank bankruptcySome of the most prestigious world banks are hell bent for leather heading toward bankruptcy…as implied by their negative stock “performance” since early 2007.   The ignoble list includes Commerzbank (Germany), Deutsche Bank (Germany), Barclays Bank (UK),  Bank of America (US), Citigroup (US), ING Bank (The Netherlands), National Bank of Greece, Mitsubishi Financial (Japan), Lloyds Bank (UK) and Banco Espirito Santo (Portugal).  Here are the charts showing the excruciating loss in total share value (percent) since 2007.

Commerzbank (Germany)  

Deutsche Bank (Germany)

Barclays Bank (UK)

ING Bank (the Netherlands)

National Bank of Greece

Bank of America (USA)

CitiGroup (USA)

Mitsubishi Financial (Japan)

Lloyds Bank (UK)

Banco Espirito Santo (Portugal)

The above bank is no longer listed as its stock has plummeted -99.7% since 2009.  In early 2009 Banco Espirito Santo peaked at $9.40/share…and today you can buy a share for a mere 3 cents.

Euro Union Financial Index forecasts a substantial decline…as an ominous Death Cross of the Euro Financial Index (50 DMA falls below the 200 DMA) has recently occurred:

Banks are the financial life’s-blood of any economy.  Consequently, when important global banks begin hemorrhaging (i.e. investors are dumping their stocks), the entire economy in which they operate must be seriously hampered in economic growth.  Moreover, the governments of the nations where they operate will feel the dire necessity to devalue the local currencies in order to avoid the country’s total collapse.  In this event the universal currency of choice will again be gold…Gold…GOLD.

During most recent years, some of these bank stocks have “Flat-Lined,” which is the medical term when a patient has finally died (referring to his heart function).   And per the well-known market analyst Graham Summers, Euro Union banks may be the first to succumb:

“Europe’s crisis is not over, not by a long shot. Mario Draghi has thrown everything, including the kitchen sink, at the economy over there and has failed to create sustainable growth. It’s now just a matter of time before the next round of the Financial Crisis hits and the whole mess comes crashing down.”  (See  The Markets Call “BS” on Draghi’s Promise )

Bank Stocks Have Much Further to Decline

Indubitably,  a material stock market correction also brews on the US horizon.  The financial “weather reports” of the encroaching stock market storm are amply detailed in “ Stock Market Crash Forecast…7 + 7 + 7 “ (click link to read).    Inevitably, the heretofore irrational exuberance of the US stock market will eventually peter-out.  Consequently, stocks across the board will sharply correct the Fed’s artificial built-in levitation…via QE.  In this event heretofore weak bank stocks may well come crashing down even more than the expected general market sell-off…which may have already begun.

All prudent and smart investors must ask themselves:  WHERE IS YOUR MONEY?! 

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Founder of Gold-Eagle in January 1997.  Vronsky has over 42 years’ experience in the international investment world, having cut his financial teeth in Wall Street as a financial analyst with White Weld. Vronsky speaks three languages with indifference: English, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.  His education includes a degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Oklahoma, a Liberal Arts degree from Hartnell College and a MBA in International Business Administration from UCLA – qualifying as Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi for high scholastic achievements.  Vronsky believes gold and silver will be recognized as legal tender in all 50 US states and many countries worldwide.  You may reach I. M Vronsky at: [email protected] and/or [email protected]

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