China’s Pivotal Role: More Questions Than Answers…Not So For Charts

May 9, 2015

Our focus on gold and silver is more of an unconventional approach because the conventional news stories on them regurgitates a never-ending supply of statistics that have nothing to do with current prices.  What does?  The ongoing existence of the New World Order’s lead “hit man,” the corporate federal US government, forcing the debt-ridden fiat Federal Reserve Notes [FRN], aka the “dollar,” as the proxy for keeping the largest and longest ever Ponzi scheme of enslaving the world.

It is the same US that is arming the Saudis, [who by the way, are killing the US shale oil fracking industry, thereby further weakening the both the country and its fiat petro-dollar to ensure there is no other competition for Saudi oil], that started the [failed] Ukranian War, also over money, [preventing Russia from being the top energy supplier to Europe, and thus keeping the EU under the financial thumb of the US].

If you listen only to the mainstream news, Russia, which means Putin, is the despised enemy.  Yet, there is not a single piece of evidence that supports the US-led propaganda agenda that demonstrates Russia was an aggressor in the illegal CIA-induced coup of Ukraine’s previously elected president [who happened to not support US interests.]

Exactly what has that villain Putin been up to over the past few years?  He has been one  of the chief architects behind the BRICS coalition, initially Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Today, the BRICS association now includes over 100 other nations choosing to become affiliated with their commerce-building efforts.  This is in sharp contrast to the US-led force of debt-enslavement at the end of a barrel.  For as long as the US maintains its destructive ways, all as a means of protecting the fiat Ponzi “dollar” scheme, gold and silver will be kept artificially suppressed.

Yes, there are talks under way of having the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights [SDRs], a basket of the leading fiats: US “dollar,” the British fiat Pound, the completely fiat Euro, and the toxic fiat Japanese Yen, become the next replacement for the “dollar.”  It is to include the Chinese renminbi, another fiat, but issued by a country that has accumulated one of the [unofficially] largest gold reserve holdings in the world.

The inclusion of the renminbi will not go into effect until January, 2016, at the earliest. Will this be the often touted gold and silver reset that will cause the price of both to reach new and much higher price levels?  That remains to be seen.  We believe there is no chance whatsoever that China will have its currency be gold-backed, that is convertible into gold. In fact, there is no country that has enough gold to issue a gold-backed currency.  The SDR will remain a basket of fiat paper, and any change, although perhaps welcome to what exists, will be temporary, maybe for a decade or more [or less].

The US fiat FRN will still be a part of the SDR basket of currencies, and its “worth” is no better than the “worth” of the Pound, Euro, or Yen.  You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.  The SDR is still a creature of the IMF, and the IMF is still a creature of the BIS, [Bank for International Settlements], and the BIS is still a creature of the Crown, the NWO, the Rothschilds.  Who is fooling who, here?  Adding the Chinese yuan is not going to resurrect a corrupt-to-the-core system.

We do not know the end game for the Chinese?  Part of it is certainly to be recognized as the world’s dominant new-kid-on-the-block financial power, and the Chinese want their just due, understandably.  What part will Russia and India play?  Both countries also have significant gold holdings, whereas the Western countries have mostly divested themselves of that “barbaric metal,” the one that earns no interest.  There is less and less mention of that long time standard phrase now that fiats are starting to charge a fee for holding cash, the same cash that generates no interest in a BIS-dictated world of zero interest rates so the entire Western banking Ponzi scheme can be kept afloat.

If the Chinese are willing to become a greater part of the system, will that parasite system  eventually destroy China as it has the United States?  The entire apparatus is already well-entrenched.  All that need to be done is shift the focus from the West to the East, a changing of the guard, as it were.  How smart are the Chinese?  Are they becoming the world’s next economic powerhouse to undergo an eastern-style fleecing as has occurred in the completely shorn West?

What if China has longer term plans to destroy the Crown, the fiat king-makers, driving them from the fiat temple?  It certainly cannot be accomplished overnight, if ever.  By gaining a foothold in the IMF’s SDR basket of currencies, China will be positioned to have a much greater say.  Right now, China has the US over a debt-ridden barrel from under which the US will never recover.  This country is being asset-stripped in its ignominious end as a once mighty super-power falling from fiat grace, actually and ironically by design.

It is not the US that has been dictating the turns, but the moneymakers, the invisible Crown that has been, and still is, controlling every aspect of life on this planet, certainly in the Western world.  The largest question that remains is, to what extent does their dominance extent to the East?

Yes, Putin purportedly kicked the Rothschilds out of Russia and took back control of Russia’s financial destiny, but Putin also has long ties to Kissinger, and has expressed cooperation with the IMF, as has China.  Will the two largest Communist countries and enemies actually become financial white knights to overthrow the Western-dominated capitalists in a literal reversal of fortune?

There are many unanswered questions that go way beyond the seemingly most pressing ones of wanting to know when gold and silver will rally, and by how much?   For how much longer can the reality of an acknowledged shortage for physical gold and silver go on in the face of an unprecedented and growing supply of worthless fiat, where the former have a historic intrinsic value and the latter has no value, whatsoever, except in the mindless minds of the users?

The fiat “dollar” charts are included because it remains the nemesis for any meaningful gold and silver rally, near term, or even longer as the charts suggest.  Tops are often not confirmed as a top until sometime after the fact, even months.  It is too soon to say the “dollar” has topped, yet.  It is likely in a topping phase, but if the high volume spike is a preliminary indicator of this process, there are many more months to go.

If a final top is in but not confirmed, there are still a few months of activity that could keep the “dollar” at current to slightly higher price levels as distribution gets more underway.
Either way, it is too soon to declare the “dollar” is dead, for it is not.

U.S. dollar index

The best and most informative information comes from the manner in which price responds to an obvious support or resistance level, this one at support.  If support is to hold, a rally should ensue, soon.  If support is to fail, price will continue to hug the 94 level prior to giving way, if it does not simply give way, sooner.  In all events, the way in which price reacts will be an important clue for direction and possible trend change.

Our old friend, Bearish Spacing is being reintroduced as a reminder of why this event can be significant information.  It began to form in August of 2013.  It is now May 2015, and price has yet to challenge that bearish indicator, and in fact has continued lower.  The thinner horizontal lines are simply additional potential layers of resistance for silver.

silver nearest weekly OHLC chart

So many waste time trying to figure out in which direction price will move from the middle of a TR [Trading Range].  It is almost always an effort in futility, unless price has shown some obvious activity that will lead to a more apparent directional move.  We do not see any, or at least one that holds a lot of promise, either way.

The weekly silver analysis applies to gold, as well.  Charts are charts.  The bearish story has not yet ended.

gold OHLC chart

For as much as we enjoy reading charts, this one is tedious.



Michael Noonan, of Edgetraderplus, is a chart analyst with 30 years experience in the futures markets.  His focus is entirely on reading developing market activity in the form of price and volume, to better understand what the markets are saying coming from what is the best source of all information: the market itself. His website is

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