Coming Great Global Gold Reset As Global Debt Hits $246.5 Trillion
◆ In the first quarter of 2019, global debt hit $246.5 trillion
◆ Encouraged by lower interest rates, governments went on a borrowing binge as they ramped up spending, adding $3 trillion to world debt in Q1 alone
◆ It reverses a trend that started in the beginning of 2018, of reducing debt burdens, when global debt reached its highest on record, $248 trillion
◆ We’re not sure when the global reset will happen, or what will be the trigger – i.e. a corporate debt time-bomb that could crash the global economy. Almost $19 trillion dollars of debt is owed by companies that don’t earn enough to cover interest payments.
◆ We are absolutely sure the reset will happen and gold will play a very important role in the transition to a new world currency.