Fall Of The House Of Saud, Finally

November 12, 2017


The Saudi Kingdom will fall, a longstanding Jackass forecast, an inevitable event

The Saudi Kingdom will fall alongside the ruined collapsing Petro-Dollar

The Saudi foundation has been the primary element to entire Petro-Dollar system

This Saudi situation is loaded with intrigue, corruption, cunning, collusion, criminality

The Saudi region will erupt in chaos ruin decay and gross destabilization

The entire Saudi situation is a grand mixture of deep corruption and wreckage

The Saudi Royals will scatter and escape with stolen wealth, an absolute guarantee


The old guard like Prince al-Waleed are Citigroup investors and Wall Street friends

US will knock off princes to continue the USD, and to prevent deviation toward the East

Iran will knock off princes to stop the Yemen War, and to halt ISIS

Iran has a new vested interest, to avoid the spread of war to Lebanon

The US will deploy its usual terrorism, via Langley and ISIS tool

Iran will use the Yemeni violent anger for a rapacious invasion by the Saudi thugs


Head of Saudi National Guard is dead

Crown prince Mohammed bin Salman captured the national media

Significant figure Prince Bandar is under arrest, his wealth frozen

Bandar is the key link in Bush Family for narcotics in the Saudi connection

Entire Bush-Clinton Crime Family is falling apart, in the process of being exposed


MbS is buying time, but using the Rubin Doctrine in sabotaging tomorrow

Logical to expect the Fall of the House of Saud with the collapse of the Petro-Dollar

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) conducted power grab for throne

Former crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef has resentment and some power still

Widespread purge of pro-US NeoCons and old guard for USDollar and narco connections

Possibly seen is battle between White Hat Pentagon and Black Hat Langley narcos

The battle will be played out in Saudi Arabia, leading to grotesque destabilization


Cover of cleaning up corruption by Saudi Kingdom is thin veneer for attacks on rivals

At risk of $800 billion in confiscations from rivals

USGovt might make difficult confiscations if friends of US NeoCons and Narcos

These criminal royals will try to impose a confiscation tax on the entire kingdom

Many more thefts and violent events and resignations and purges to come

The entire Fahd half-brother family hates MbS (former king)

The entire Abdullah half-brother family hates MbS (former king)

The entire Nayef half-brother family hates MbS (former crown prince)

MbS earned the wrath of Langley since they promoted favorite MbNayef


Saudi has been financing ISIS and supplying ISIS with weapons and soldiers

The Saudi – ISIS connection involves Israeli logistic support & command

The Saudi – ISIS connection involves narcotics funding via the Bush Family

The Saudi – Qatari feud was lost by the Saudis (no friends)

The Saudis have removed their puppet Hariri in Lebanon

Risk of bigger war in Lebanon, pushed by Israeli

The Saudis have no friends in the Gulf region except UAE princes

The Saudis enjoy almost no friendship even among the OPEC nations


They are war criminals for the Yemen War

The Saudi Military has killed a million civilians in Yemen

The USGovt helped pay bribes to the United Nations to prevent Saudi citations

The Saudis have avoided having been charged with war crimes

Worse, the Saudis hired a French Stage-4 Lab to distribute cholera to the Yemeni population

Evidence abounds on the dispersed cholera that led to epidemic


Saudis have half the former oil revenues

Saudis have oversized federal deficits

Saudis have conducted their first bond issuance deals

Saudis formerly rejected OPEC output accords, now Saudi pushes alone for them

Need to finance the war and kingdom federal deficits

US wishes to eliminate the Chinese connection in financial dependence


US trying to offer support in return for ARAMCO listing

US contradictory since recent USGovt Law permits lawsuits against Saudi nation

USGovt has frozen $100 billion in Saudi assets

ARAMCO true value is less than 30% of the stated $2 trillion (i.e. $2000 billion)

Good work by Western energy analysts to provide embarrassing valuation estimates

Saudi has actual oil reserves less than 30% of what officially stated

Saudis claim no depletion in oil reserves after 55 years of enormous constant output


Saudi popular resentment is widespread for lack of reforms in society

Saudi popular resentment for appropriation of businesses using extortion

Saudi popular resentment for hoarding and capturing their natural resource treasure

Saudi popular resentment for crackdown of fundamentalist Muslims

Yemen will target Saudi and UAE cities with missiles, like Riyadh and Abu Dhabi


Saudi embracing Russian Rosneft oil consortium for non-USD sales

The Saudis join Iran and Venezuela in the oil consortium

Saudi embracing broad Chinese investment and federal finance (maybe modified)

Saudis will soon be compelled to sell China oil for RMB payments

Saudis are trapped, needed bond issuance to finance debts

Saudis are resorting to confiscations in a deadly game

Saudi Royals have begun to flee the country, escaping with captured wealth


US & London used UBS & Credit Suisse to steal Arab gold in Swiss bullion banks

It had been stored in the Swiss bullion banks run by the two big Swiss banks

The UBS and Credit Suisse criminal charges were staged for access to their Swiss gold

The Swiss bankers shared in the stolen Arab gold

The last remnants of Saudi gold are stored in Deutsche Bank vaults


USGovt wants to obstruct RMB oil sales, using threats against Saudi Royals

USGovt wants to obstruct Chinese funding of deficits and other investments

USGovt encouraged plan to confiscate rival royal bank accounts

Saudi has some Chinese missiles from recent purchases, shown in parades

Saudi has been courted by Russia on military association

Saudi Arabia is moving away from the US Sphere of influence

USGovt is encouraging high risk moves to keep Saudi contained in the US Sphere


The Saudis will become victims of their own brand of Night of Long Knives

These Saudi Royals stole their national treasure for 60 years

These Saudi Royals incite and sponsor terrorism with the collusion of the USGovt

The exposure of Bush-Clinton narcotic lines with the Saudis is next

These Saudi Royals are all goat herders by genetic right, and will revert as such

Saudi Royals have lost all three power centers (families, national guard, clerics)


The US will eventually toss the Saudis under the bus

Saudi princes are caught in cross-fire with far more than two sides to strike

Saudi Arabia will shift eastward in alliances, and face collapse with chaos at home


It is interesting that another MBS crisis is on the verge of hitting

MBS = mortgage backed securities in 2008 with Lehman Brothers

New MBS = Mohammed bin Salman in 2017 with Saudi collapse

Jackass has insisted on Saudi collapse with palace battles, despite contrary arguments

History repeats in crisis with a rhyme and echo on other side of the globe

Crisis repeats since no reform or remedy was even attempted, only more of the same


The Saudis are smart enough to realize that Russia & China are next protectors

But Russia & China will toss the Saudis under the bus also

For a while, R&C will find the Saudis as useful in establishing the Eurasian Trade Zone

The Saudis will be offered a key role in the emerging Eurasian Trade Zone

However, the requirement is to embrace trade in RMB and Ruble terms


The fate of the Saudis is sealed, which will pave the way to the Gold Standard

The Saudis will attempt to ride both sides in the Dual Universe of RMB vs USD

In the process, the United States will be forced to launch a New Scheiss Dollar

The Dual Universe of USD vs RMB spheres has begun to develop with momentum

As the RMB rises with gold fortification, the King Dollar will die a slow certain death

Numerous platforms of non-USD nature are built, soon to endure golden gilding


Jim Willie

Jim Willie

Jim Willie CB, also known as the “Golden Jackass”, is an insightful and forward-thinking writer and analyst of today's events, the economy and markets. In 2004 he launched the popular website http://www.goldenjackass.com that offers his articles of original “out of the box” thinking as well as content from top analysts and authors. He also has a popular and affordable subscription-based newsletter service, The Hat Trick Letter, which you can learn more about here.  

Jim Willie Background

Jim Willie has experience in three fields of statistical practice during 23 industry years after earning a Statistics PhD at Carnegie Mellon University. The career began at Digital Equipment Corp in Metro Boston, where two positions involved quality control procedures used worldwide and marketing research for the computer industry. An engineering spec was authored, and my group worked through a transition with UNIX. The next post was at Staples HQ in Metro Boston, where work focused on forecasting and sales analysis for their retail business amidst tremendous growth.

Jim's career continues to make waves in the financial editorial world, free from the limitations of economic credentials.

Jim is gifted with an extremely oversized brain as is evidenced by his bio picture. The output of that brain can be found in his articles below, and on the Silver-Phoenix500 website, on his own website, and other well-known financial websites worldwide.

For personal questions about subscriptions, contact Jim Willie at [email protected]


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