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Global Reset Challenge: Ultimate Twist

May 3, 2018

The Global Currency RESET has 100 steps and the first 10-12 appear complete. This is not a fantasy, but very real and in progress. Its progress is not very visible to most observers. Some important steps are seeing tremendous progress, but they are executed in the East with very little press coverage by the insidious lapdog Western press networks. Review many of the RESET features, but in summary form. These are covered steadily in the Hat Trick Letter reports.


USDollar will no longer have sole global currency reserve status. As central banks across the globe discharge (dump) a sizeable portion of their USTreasury Bond holdings, they will seek alternatives. They will choose Gold bullion and Chinese Govt Bonds more often, in addition perhaps to more Euro Bonds. The trend of USTBond dumping has been very noticeable for the last two years. It comes from both the intentional motivated reduction in USD-based FOREX holdings, but also from Indirect Exchange. The latter is a practice of using USTBonds for instance in large projects as cash payment from two parties, like with China and Russia in building an oil pipeline. In the aftermath, Gold will benefit with more physical demand for bank reserves in direct asset placements without counter-party risk.


USDollar will no longer have sole trade payment status. It is losing its monopoly, led by oil shipments, the sole status lost to the Chinese RMB. The Petro-Yuan contract out of Shanghai is a major game changer. Many observers believe this is a minor issue, but it is not. As more nations purchase oil with RMB, the banking systems will see the RMB Bonds push out the USTBonds in their reserves management. As the Jackass has stated consistently, gold will be introduced first in trade payment, then in bank reserves, and finally in currencies. The Petro-Dollar is in an advanced stage of its demise. The Petro-Yuan contract represents a death knell to the Petro-Dollar defacto standard. The Saudi oil sales to China in RMB terms represents a dagger in the Petro-Dollar heart, soon to be realized. In the aftermath, Gold will benefit with more demand for trade payment basis equity, like in the Gold Trade Note.


Hidden important aspects in banking structures and debt structures are in the making, some difficult to fully discern. They relate to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings against all private money systems. The result will apparently be the shutdown of many banks which operate within the Rothschild realm, many rogue and oppressive with dirty operations. The banking structures have been designed and maintained by the banker cabal for decades, but changes will sweep some aside. In the aftermath, Gold will benefit with more emphasis, as less emphasis will be given to debt-based money.


Nations must resolve trade imbalances. Since the abrogated 1971 Bretton Woods Accord, which had set the Gold Standard, the imbalances have grown without bound. The worst offender nation is clearly the United States, which exchanges fraudulent debt securities for finished products and commodity supply. The USGovt debt will never be repaid, a fact gaining awareness. Thus the payment for ample imports in the form of USTBills and USTBonds is spurious at best, and fraudulent at worst. Nations will be forced to reduce imbalances, namely their trade deficits. In the aftermath, Gold will benefit with more usage in trade imbalance adjustments for bilateral resolution.


Deadbeat nations will be punished economically via currency devaluation. Nations will be forced to reduce imbalances, which means they must export more and import less. They will be forced to rebuild their industry if forfeited like with the top 20 (formerly) industrialized nations. They will build their industry if they live beyond their means. The key will be the movements in many nations to build an export trade. Some movements will take on national priority. In the aftermath, Gold will benefit with more usage in trade deficit resolutions.


Multi-polar global financial system will continue to emerge. Since the end of World War II, the United States decided to gradually impose a quasi-democratic dictatorship, which has morphed into a global cabal fascist dictatorship since September 2001. The unipolar rule has resulted in profound chronic abuse of power, tremendous development of corrupt systems, hyper monetary inflation as standard policy, a push toward confrontation with the anti-Rothschild East, constant war drumbeat, arms sales & missile placements, routine sanctions, and a steady dose of destabilization. The corrupt systems are seen in the central banking franchise systems, the debt rating agencies, the banking regulatory bodies, the foreign embassies, and even the Intl Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the United Nations. The multi-polar system that emerges no longer favors the dominant King Dollar in the global financial system. Instead, the multi-polar system favors the Gold Standard, in numerous important channels. In the aftermath, Gold will benefit with more usage in every aspect of the global financial system.


Gold Standard will gradually be implemented, first in trade payment methods. Then it will be implemented in banking reserves management, using trade surpluses. Finally, it will be implemented with the introduction of various gold-backed currencies, augmented by formal financial devices like the Gold Trade Note. The rollout will be led by the Eastern superpowers, as they continue with impressive progress with the Belt & Road Initiative, the Asian Infra-structure Investment Bank (rival to IMFund), the BRICS Development Bank, the BRICS Gold Platform, the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS competitor to SWIFT), and smaller platforms. They all have one trait in common: no usage of the USDollar. The United States finds itself outside looking in, facing severe isolation in a process that is well along and gaining momentum. In the aftermath, Gold will benefit with more usage in every aspect of the global financial system.


Nations must demonstrate gold reserves in order to participate in global trade. They must produce gold and post the gold as reserves, subject to independent audits. Expect the United States to continue in its astounding gold accounting fraud, but the rogue nation will be revealed and unmasked as massive fraud kings. An end will be seen to the deadbeat nations which do not adequately pull their weight. They must industrialize. They must demonstrate a gold reserves vault in order to become a viable player in global trade. In the aftermath, Gold will benefit with more demand for trade payment basis equity, like in the Gold Trade Note.


Dual Universe will become well recognized. The United States cannot go to war with the Eastern superpowers, along with their entire armada of nations aligned in favor of the Gold Standard and aligned against the continued USDollar usage. The BRICS Alliance has given way to members of the Belt & Road itself. The Chinese Yuan currency, also called the RMB (renminbi), will gain ground. The RMB Sphere has emerged, which will gain momentum from the Petro-Yuan contract out of Shanghai. Expect Chinese oil sales to be primarily paid in RMB terms in the upcoming months. Expect Chinese container shipments to be primarily paid in RMB terms in the upcoming months also. Expect Chinese trade partners to participate, and to use the RMB in trade payments on an increasing basis, all across the Belt & Road projects. Expect the Arab and OPEC oil producers to accept RMB in oil payments as well as many other types of shipments, even foreign direct investment. The other Dollar Sphere will continue its dominant function, but it will lose ground every single year to the RMB Sphere. The Dollar Sphere will rely upon USGovt pressure and even USMilitary coercion. The proportion of trade payment and banking reserves will decline every year for the USDollar, while the proportion will rise every year for the RMB. When the gold-backing for the Chinese RMB is announced and launched, the Dollar Sphere will lose ground in a magnificent manner with a potential collapse episode, culminating in a USGovt debt default event. In the aftermath, Gold will benefit with more usage in every aspect of the RMB Sphere, from trade to investment to banking to construction projects, and finally to savings.


Emphasis on infra-structure toward economic development will be given by the Eastern coalition of nations which have formed the Eurasian Trade Zone. The Belt & Road Initiative has tremendous momentum, an impressive list of participating nations, and an enormous $8 trillion in projects, many of which have begun. Few economists comprehend the basic economic fact, that economic development, business growth, job creation, and wealth generation begin with business investment. And business investment begins with infra-structure development. Without roads, highways, railways, bridges, tunnels, port facilities, broadband internet, fiber optic lines, high voltage lines, and other means of flow, economies like the neglected USEconomy will continue to rot. The USGovt has spent over $25 trillion since 1975 on military, while earning global resentment and broadbased enmity. The US has neglected its infra-structure and finally resembles a Third World nation more then ever in over 200 years. Many US allies have followed in the wasteful ruinous military path, and they will suffer alongside the United States for wanton reckless stupidity. Nations which do not embark on significant infra-structure projects will fall by the wayside. In the aftermath, Gold will benefit with more usage in every aspect of payment systems from Eastern development


Emphasis on removal of financial sanctions will gain acceptance on a global basis. As the alternative systems are developed, no longer centered upon the USDollar, the impact of sanctions will become a moot issue. Iran, for instance, has numerous workarounds. They invented the workaround concepts. They are the Eastern workshop, despite certain hardships for Iran. Sanctions led by the USGovt, far beyond its jurisdiction and rule, have resulted in a nearly universal anti-USD policy, even among many US allies. The FATCA rules sealed the deal in angry global reaction. The British have joined the AIIBank, much to the ire of the Washington Fascist lunatics. The Belt & Road Initiative is attracting more and more Western nations, in defiance of Washington wishes. US sanctions have served as the glue and spirit behind the non-USD movements directed by the Eastern leading nations in China and Russia. In the aftermath, Gold will benefit with more usage in continued defiance of USGovt abuses.


The USGovt and Wall Street banks have used narcotics trafficking and money laundering to continue to keep other nations in their grip. It comes in the form of bribery to foreign government officials, percentage cuts to banking officials, and military (if not terrorist) threats to many nations in order to compel them to stay in line with USDollar support. It has become called the King Dollar and its reign of terror, with narcotics as a central role. The pressure on foreign nations is immense and profound, but the consequences will be horrible and painful. The nations which remain loyal to the United States Government will suffer unimaginable currency crisis and related economic problems, much like what is seen in Venezuela. Foreign currencies are being supported by US-led narcotics trafficking and money laundering, in a very ugly factor at work. Leaders assure future chaos in return for present stability. These nations must make progress toward the Gold Standard, if even in small initial steps. The consequence for failure to do so will be entry into the Third World.


The gold market is ready to fracture into multiple sites for posted prices. Disparities exist and are widening. Expect separate independently marked prices for Gold to appear in London, New York, Zurich, Frankfurt, Dubai, Hong Kong, Beijing, Moscow, Singapore, Panama, and elsewhere. The domination by COMEX & LBMA will soon come to an end. The next norm for a Gold Price Fix will become a simple average of the multiple posted global gold prices, from the multiple sites. Then come the lawsuits against the COMEX in New York and the London Bullion Market Association in London, which have conspired to corrupt the gold market for the last few decades, and to corrupt its contractual dealings in an impressive thorough manner. The COMEX will go dark, while the Gold price reaches multiples higher. Remember that the longer a market price remains within a tight bound, the more explosive the price advance will be when the boundaries are broken. Expect the Gold price to reach multiple higher levels.

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Jim Willie

Jim Willie

Jim Willie CB, also known as the “Golden Jackass”, is an insightful and forward-thinking writer and analyst of today's events, the economy and markets. In 2004 he launched the popular website that offers his articles of original “out of the box” thinking as well as content from top analysts and authors. He also has a popular and affordable subscription-based newsletter service, The Hat Trick Letter, which you can learn more about here.  

Jim Willie Background

Jim Willie has experience in three fields of statistical practice during 23 industry years after earning a Statistics PhD at Carnegie Mellon University. The career began at Digital Equipment Corp in Metro Boston, where two positions involved quality control procedures used worldwide and marketing research for the computer industry. An engineering spec was authored, and my group worked through a transition with UNIX. The next post was at Staples HQ in Metro Boston, where work focused on forecasting and sales analysis for their retail business amidst tremendous growth.

Jim's career continues to make waves in the financial editorial world, free from the limitations of economic credentials.

Jim is gifted with an extremely oversized brain as is evidenced by his bio picture. The output of that brain can be found in his articles below, and on the Silver-Phoenix500 website, on his own website, and other well-known financial websites worldwide.

For personal questions about subscriptions, contact Jim Willie at [email protected]


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