Gold And Silver: Two Pictures

July 29, 2020

It is said that a picture is worth 1000 words, and thus two pictures are worth 2000 words. The entire financial system is fracturing and imploding, no exaggeration. The entire monetary system is being undermined in a true Weimar sense, in reality. Such a situation almost never has come about without a world war. Since 2001 in the Jackass opinion, the world financial war has been in progress with the imposition of anti-terrorism statutes, with a seminal event in 2008 for the bond implosion. A certain signpost was flashing in 2012 with the installation of Quantitative Easing, better described as hyper-monetary inflation of the unsterilized type. When the REPO market exploded on the scene in September 2019, the death of the USDollar’s foundation was evident to all with vision. When the sequence of CARES stimulus bills was enacted, the assurance for Infinite QE Forever was clear. The time before total sunset on the global reserve currency was declared as near. The Global Financial RESET is officially in progress. A new age is soon to dawn. The role of the USDollar is unclear in future months, probably for black market activity and possibly a transition currency.

The working trade-based Gold Standard comes, alongside a practical industrial Silver Standard. It can be most assuredly stated that gold & silver are the newly recognized hedges against systemic financial failure. For many decades, the precious metals have served as hedges for inflation, both price inflation and monetary inflation. With the current situation having turned critical for economic sabotage, gold will become the Monetary Core to the new system, and Silver will become the Energy & Technology core to the new system. It has been written; it will be told. The July Hat Trick Letter contains many items to support the infinite expansion of the monetary base. It also includes information as to how the Gold market is completely fractured, and under siege by delivery demands. Utter desperation has set in. The August Hat Trick Letter to come next month will contain a guideline to justify the move toward $5000 on the gold price. It will also contain an update from second conversation with Maxwell the Banker, who hails from Central Europe. The Global RESET quasi-committee has altered the consensus precious metals prices. Exciting times lie ahead.

GOLD TO $2500/OZ

An historical transformation is underway. The chart speaks volumes. The eight years of consolidation has ended. Tremendous price suppression has occurred. The Swiss-Euro 120 Peg from 2012 was only the beginning for the powerful force. In effect, it was a four-sided arbitrage put in place to suppress the Gold price. The gold price was pulled down hard, by means of the Dollar Swap and vast investments in the US Stock Market by the Swiss National Bank, their central bank. Of course, the SNB also invested heavily in USTreasury Bonds. Much more to this story, whose four factors are currently being unwound. Expect disorder since so large.

A veritable explosion of paper gold is in progress, which could result in a few more $trillion in bailouts, of course called COVID stimulus. The entire banking derivative complex lies at extreme risk, which could result in a chain reaction to ignite precious metals, energy, stocks, and bonds. The entire financial structure is held together with leverage, debt, fraud, and algorithms.

The plumbed base of $1100 was irregular and unsteady. No matter. The Cup & Handle is as plain as the long noses on the faces of bankers. Expect some consolidation between $1900 and $2000, forming the right side cup, after which the shorts will be steamrolled, crushed, and mutilated. It will capture global attention. The unfolding event will be a grand pleasure to watch the banksters squirm as the gold price pursues the $2500 target and then hunts for the ripe pastures leading to $3000. The move to $3000 might be several months, not years. Almost all other asset classes will decline in value.


An historical transformation is underway. The chart speaks volumes. The eight years of consolidation has ended. Tremendous price suppression has occurred. The accidental rise to $50 could not have been avoided, as a Wall Street book lost control, the unwashed swarthy masses are told. With economic recession came lower demand, which accomplished nothing in alleviating the global silver shortage while investor demand grew fast and furious. The grand silver deficit has grown worse every year for the last five years. The other concomitant factor is that lower zinc, copper, and tin mining resulted in lower silver byproduct output. Recently some big silver mines in Mexico, Chile, and Peru have shut down. They will surely open again soon. Funny, but the higher silver price might push aside the corona risk to workers suddenly. Rumors are thick that JPMorgan is playing both ends of the candle, running out of wax. They build the naked short positions which serve the vile bankster set in price suppression. They also build the long positions, ostensibly for the benefit of replenishing the Chinese silver stockpile. The new era will be silver-centric in many ways, as the numerous new technologies are released. It is yet unclear whether patents will be made Open Source, or whether the USNavy will return patent rights with nearly free licenses.

Expect very little consolidation in a quick march to the $35 mark, then to the $50 mark as target. It will capture global attention. The silver market is a tiny fraction of the size of many large corporations. The Sprott Funds last week announced a bold $1.5 billion silver purchase program, for the unexpressed purpose of excising the nether balderdashes dangling from the bankster set. Their vulnerability to silver is acute. The move to $50 might be a few months, not a couple years. As bizarre footnote, if a mere 1% of the nitwit Tesla investors convert to silver, the wondrous white metal price will be driven well past the $100 mark. Ditto for the nitwit Apple and Amazon investors. Recall silver has almost no industrial substitutes, and possesses two commonly occurring stable isotopes.


The arrival of the great financial crisis began last September. It has ratcheted up each month. Last autumn, at least 15 Jackass forecasts came true almost simultaneously. A new era has begun, which unfortunately is frightening. The medical police state is here, which could soon be turned off as their underworld funding channels dry up. Early this year, the landlords of the King Dollar saw their dominion soon to vanish, upon the emergence of an Asian revolt against the crippled debt-based global reserve currency. Hence they pulled a pre-emptive jump shift like in the game of bridge. It relies upon the ignorance of the public on all things scientific and medical. The press networks continue to blare the false medical statistics, which the Jackass justifies as exaggerated at least 30-fold. The propaganda operates like fear porn, with focus on new COVID cases, rather than recorded decline in COVID deaths. As many topnotch medical professionals have concluded, this is nothing more than a bad flu, and the death rates are on par or lower than standard flu seasons. Observe the medical coup d’etat. Gold will be the arbiter for justice. The truth will rise to the surface. The censorship will frame the lies. Sweden is the fine example of rejecting the WHO rubbish laden policies, while averting all bankruptcies.

The economic lockdowns depend upon the under-current of large scale WHO and GAVI and Gates Foundation bribery to destroy economies with 100 days of cuts and slices for each orchestrated wave. Never in human history have healthy people been subjected to quarantine. Never in human history have economies been shut down for a standard flu season. Never in human history have commonly applied medical cures been withheld and suppressed. This is truly a remarkable era of blatant elite nefarious actions. Gold will be the great arbiter.


Jim Willie

Jim Willie

Jim Willie CB, also known as the “Golden Jackass”, is an insightful and forward-thinking writer and analyst of today's events, the economy and markets. In 2004 he launched the popular website that offers his articles of original “out of the box” thinking as well as content from top analysts and authors. He also has a popular and affordable subscription-based newsletter service, The Hat Trick Letter, which you can learn more about here.  

Jim Willie Background

Jim Willie has experience in three fields of statistical practice during 23 industry years after earning a Statistics PhD at Carnegie Mellon University. The career began at Digital Equipment Corp in Metro Boston, where two positions involved quality control procedures used worldwide and marketing research for the computer industry. An engineering spec was authored, and my group worked through a transition with UNIX. The next post was at Staples HQ in Metro Boston, where work focused on forecasting and sales analysis for their retail business amidst tremendous growth.

Jim's career continues to make waves in the financial editorial world, free from the limitations of economic credentials.

Jim is gifted with an extremely oversized brain as is evidenced by his bio picture. The output of that brain can be found in his articles below, and on the Silver-Phoenix500 website, on his own website, and other well-known financial websites worldwide.

For personal questions about subscriptions, contact Jim Willie at [email protected]


Gold is found in nature in quartz veins
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