Gold Futures See Massive $1.5 Billion “Non Profit” Liquidation In “One Minute”

Executive & Research Director @ GoldCore
August 25, 2016

Gold futures saw a massive $1.5 billion liquidation in one minute yesterday, which had all the hallmarks of a “non-profit” liquidation – a large seller trying to manipulate gold futures lower rather than maximise profits.

Gold Futures – August 24, 2016 (Zero Hedge)

Subsequently, gold dropped throughout most of trade in New York and ended near its last minute low of $1323.80 with a loss of 1.1%. Silver slipped to as low as $18.535 and ended with a loss of 1.75%. Gold futures moved sideways in Asia prior to moving slightly lower in morning trade in London.

Smart money has seen this hundreds of times over the years and will use it accumulate cheaper physical gold and silver on the dip. As ever, best not to catch a falling knife and prudent to wait for at least two days of higher closes or to dollar, pound or euro cost average into bullion at these lower levels.

It was reported that Someone Puked $1.5 Billion Of Notional Gold, And The Selling Continues by ZeroHedge:

Gold continues to be pummeled… having broken through the 50-day moving-average at $1338…

As we detailed earlier, it made perfect sense – someone just decided in keeping with their fiduciary duty, 0840ET was the perfect time to unleash $1.5 billion of gold notional into the futures markets….

Over 10,000 contracts dumped in 1 minute…“normal”

New low prices are bringing in some dip-buyers…

And Silver dropped on heavy volume too…

The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee or GATA were even more questioning in their headline featuring the Zero Hedge article which read: Nobody sells gold like this except to drive the gold price down in full view.

We have seen this repeatedly over the years and the timing is frequently before “important,” “all eyes on the all-powerful Fed” central bank meetings. ‘Monetary High Priest’, Janet Yellen will divine the tea leaves at Jackson Hole tomorrow and the dumb money continues to lap up the silly sound bites which distract from and ignore the wider context of a U.S., UK, Japan and of course EU that is increasingly bankrupt.

It is interesting and telling that over the years, there have been very little massive futures buying in one minute which has propelled gold futures higher. Why is this concentrated futures activity always selling and always to the downside?

The questions that arise once again are who was responsible for the sudden bout of selling and was it a bank or fund acting on its own or with official sanction of a central bank such as the Fed or indeed the BIS.

Mark O'Byrne is executive and research director of which he founded in 2003. GoldCore have become one of the leading gold brokers in the world and have over 4,000 clients in over 40 countries and with over $200 million in assets under management and storage.We offer mass affluent, HNW, UHNW and institutional investors including family offices, gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion in London, Zurich, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai and Perth. 

Gold weighs 19.3 times as much as an equal volume of water.
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