first majestic silver

The Main Theme…US Stocks To Suffer A Major Collapse

June 27, 2014

The main theme of this REPORT is to show that there is the absolute highest probability for the DJIA and the S&P500 Indices to suffer a major collapse. It will be devastating to the citizens of the United States of America and our friends.

The evidence is overwhelming that a major collapse in the stock averages and a huge rise in the price of gold will begin in the near future. The collapse may begin within a month or two.

The evidence in this REPORT is easy to find. It is easy to read. It is beyond doubt that it is repetitive. It has been repeating for over 250 years.

To spend time currently worrying about an exact top in the stock averages or an exact bottom in gold should, in my opinion, be put aside. I believe it is best to spend your time concentrating on being fully prepared for the coming collapse in the stock averages and the monster bull move in gold. The rest of the precious metals complex should follow the lead of gold. The information presented on the following pages is THE KEY to market events and their timing.

# 42

“Using the connection, Keating and Snaith not only explained why the answer to life, the universe and the third moment of the Riemann zeta function should be 42, but also provided a formula to predict all the numbers in the sequence.”

Prime Numbers Get Hitched

Incubator / by Marcus du Sautoy /

“In their search for patterns, mathematicians have uncovered unlikely connections between prime numbers and quantum physics. Will the subatomic world help reveal the elusive nature of the primes?

There is an important sequence of numbers called “the moments of the Riemann zeta function.” Although we know abstractly how to define it, mathematicians have had great difficulty explicitly calculating the numbers in the sequence. We have known since the 1920s that the first two numbers are 1 and 2, but it wasn’t until a few years ago that mathematicians conjectured that the third number in the sequence may be 42—a figure greatly significant to those well-versed in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

It would also prove to be significant in confirming the connection between primes and quantum physics. Using the connection, Keating and Snaith not only explained why the answer to life, the universe and the third moment of the Riemann zeta function should be 42, but also provided a formula to predict all the numbers in the sequence. COPYRIGHT 2004-2014, RONALD L. ROSEN 3

Prior to this breakthrough, the evidence for a connection between quantum physics and the primes was based solely on interesting statistical comparisons. But mathematicians are very suspicious of statistics.

We like things to be exact. Keating and Snaith had used physics to make a very precise prediction that left no room for the power of statistics to see patterns where there are none.

Mathematicians are now convinced. That chance meeting in the common room in Princeton resulted in one of the most exciting recent advances in the theory of prime numbers. Many of the great problems in mathematics, like Fermat’s Last Theorem, have only been cracked once connections were made to other parts of the mathematical world. For 150 years many have been too frightened to tackle the Riemann Hypothesis. The prospect that we might finally have the tools to understand the primes has persuaded many more mathematicians and physicists to take up the challenge. The feeling is in the air that we might be one step closer to a solution. Dyson might be right that the opportunity was missed to discover relativity 40 years earlier, but who knows how long we might still have had to wait for the discovery of connections between primes and quantum physics had mathematicians not enjoyed a good chat over tea.”

Marcus du Sautoy is professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford, and is the author of The Music of the Primes (HarperCollins).

Originally published March 26, 2006

“Using the connection, Keating and Snaith not only explained why the answer to life, the universe and the third moment of the Riemann zeta function should be 42, but also provided a formula to predict all the numbers in the sequence.”


“The first great monetary panic in modern times which we need notice, took place in 1764 in Holland and neighboring countries.”

1764 plus 42 = 1806

1806 plus 42 = 1848

1848 plus 42 = 1890

1890 plus 42 = 1932

1932 plus 42 = 1974

1974 plus 42 = 2016


 “The first great monetary panic in modern times which we need notice, took place in 1764 in Holland and neighboring countries. The banks of Amsterdam, Hamburg and Nuremberg did not issue notes in the discount of bills. They were pure examples of what is called by a certain party the “Currency Principle.” That is, those banks did not issue any credit except in exchange for specie. Thus, the credit they issued was exactly equal in amount to the specie it displaced. This principle was that advocated by the supporters of the Bank Act of 1844, and of Sir Robert Peel, who considered it as the panacea for all commercial crises. COPYRIGHT 2004-2014, RONALD L. ROSEN 5

PLUS 42 =

Depression of 1806-1807

The Depression of 1806-1807, which lasted about three years, was the result of English trade restrictions combined with the Embargo Act of 1807, which was passed under Thomas Jefferson as a means of preserving neutrality as tensions mounted between England and France. By restricting foreign trade, however, the United States paralyzed its coastal economy and destroyed businesses within the shipping industry. Furthermore, the embargo’s primary aim failed as the country eventually was pulled into the War of 1812.

PLUS 42 =

THE PANIC. 1847—1848

PLUS 42 =

Panic of 1890 - Mises Wiki - Ludwig von Mises Institute 2004-2014, RONALD L. ROSEN 6

PLUS 42 =

The Banking Panics of the 1932 Great Depression

The panic ended when the government assumed responsibility for reopening the closed ... The first section summarizes briefly the banking situation in 1932.

PLUS 42 =

1974 stock market crash

The 1973–1974 bear market was a bear market that lasted between January 1973 and December 1974. Affecting all the major stock markets in the world, ...

PLUS 42 =







Since 1913 when the Federal Reserve Bank and the Internal Revenue Service came into existence the United States of America has not had a long term bull market in the DJIA and the S&P500 at the same time as a long term bull market in precious metals. These charts prove beyond any doubt that the two have not, do not, and cannot coexist with one exception. That exception is if the U. S. A. chooses to replicate the disaster of the Weimar Republic hyperinflation by electronic or other means. There is no theory, technical or fundamental, that can deny this reality. Therefore, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind, except for that one exception, that Leg D of the megaphone patterns in the DJIA and the S&P500 will result in a disastrous decline while the precious metals complex explodes to the upside in a phenomenally bullish move skyward. If our politicians in Washington decide to hyper-inflate rather than let the errors of the past be corrected by a collapsing stock market, the charts of the Weimar Republic disaster posted on page 12 demonstrate and are relatively similar to what we should expect to occur in the U.S.A.

I have posted these charts numerous times in the past. Nothing, I repeat nothing has occurred to date that would cause me to change my opinion. If it does, I will immediately write about the change.

If, as some believe, the stock averages keep moving up in a continued dramatic move and gold does the same we will be experiencing a repeat horror of the Weimar Republic hyperinflation. These charts show that during the Weimar Republic hyperinflation disaster gold and silver far outperformed the stock market. I doubt that we will experience a hyperinflation similar to the Weimar Republic disaster. We Americans and our politicians have the ability to design our own disaster. We don’t have to copy any other disaster.


In the data shown below, the year plus 42 earmarks the bottom of the Bear Market.


1764 plus 42 = 1806

1806 plus 42 = 1848

1848 plus 42 = 1890

1890 plus 42 = 1932

1932 plus 42 = 1974

1974 plus 42 = 2016 ***

“Using the connection, Keating and Snaith not only explained why the answer to life, the universe and the third moment of the Riemann zeta function should be 42, but also provided a formula to predict all the numbers in the sequence.”

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” --------- Ecclesiastes 1:9


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