Marine Le Pen-The Potential Brexit Times 100

April 12, 2017

You want drama. ..and TRUTH?  Well, let’s start with this amazing, must see, three-minute 2009 clip from Ron Paul; or, as I deemed him five years ago, “America’s greatest man.”  Given what I discussed in Friday’s “did America just start World War III”; and yesterday’s “beating of the drums”; it couldn’t be more appropriate – as in it, he asks “what if” America’s foreign policy is misguided; and “what if” it continues down the horrifying road it appears dead set on taking.

At this point, I have little interest in political correctness – as any slim, misguided hope I had of Donald Trump “draining the swamp” is gone.  In other words, my “stance” of neutrality – this, after I spent more energy helping to get him elected than 99% of the population – is dead.  I don’t for a second begrudge his failed attempt to “repeal and replace” Obamacare; nor his inability to even propose a tax reform bill – like the “phenomenal” one he promised last month, which as of yesterday, was declared dead.  For that matter, I’ll take no issue when his promised fiscal stimulus plan – which wouldn’t help the economy one iota, I might add – fails, too; particularly as the ugliest, most destructive debt ceiling crisis in U.S. history is mere weeks away.

Just two days after he was elected, I predicted this as vehemently as possible, in my must listen “turning on Trump” Audioblog.  To wit, everything he campaigned on was pure rhetoric; designed – like any politician – simply to win the election.  Similarly, everything he promised was politically and/or economically unviable, particularly given the mortal enemies that he, as the “ultimate outsider,” started out with – from the lunatic “snowflake liberals” to the oxymoronically named, equally nation-destroying “Republicans.”

That said, if he had been modestly diplomatic, perhaps the will of the people would overcome that of the deep state, if for a brief, fleeting moment.  However, asking Donald Trump to be diplomatic is like asking a lion to pass on a wildebeest; and frankly, the only times I’ve seen “diplomacy” are when he’s needed votes or political favor – like during the last weeks of the election campaign; at his “state of the union” speech; and, LOL, when he bombed Syria – which of course, won plaudits from the “wolves in wolves clothing” known as Congress and the mainstream media.  Including, I kid you not, the “fake news” kings of the world, and number one Trump haters, CNN.

For those that have a subscription to his service, David Stockman could not have described better how the “spanker in Chief” all but destroyed his “stillborn Presidency” by senselessly, and comically inefficiently, bombing Syria.  In the process, not only violating his campaign promise to end U.S. “nation-building,” but potentially starting World War III – particularly in light of his follow up comments, that he is dead set on deposing Assad, in the interests of, double LOL, “national security.”  In other words, he’s proving to be no more intelligent, tactical, or moral than George Bush, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton; only more impulsive, and confrontational.  And far richer – which is why, from day one, I have vehemently espoused that Trump has more to lose from the bursting of the “big, fat, ugly bubble” he correctly diagnosed when campaigning (but subsequently embraced, the day he was elected) than nearly anyone in America.  Which is probably why he’s surrounded himself with half of Goldman Sachs, and a cabinet full of fellow “swamp deepeners” that even Barack Obama – would be ashamed of.

Heck, Trump is so undiplomatic – as he’s demonstrated in spades, in making mortal enemies of Mexico, Germany, North Korea, and China in less than three months – he actually gave the Syrian attack order – in response to what many people, from Ron Paul to Vladimir Putin, believe was a “false flag” chemical attack – whilst hosting Chinese Premier Jinping (i.e., America’s largest creditor) for dinner; whilst simultaneously “warning” Jinping that if he doesn’t “solve North Korea, we will.”

A level of rhetoric, I might add, that has since been dramatically escalated; as after our real estate developer turned reality show star turned Commander-in-Chief ordered a warship into Korean waters, North Korea claimed its “nuclear sight is focused on the U.S. invasionary bases not only in South Korea and the Pacific operation theater, but the U.S. mainland.”  To which, our “loose cannon” President responded – via the most impulsive, and destructive, communications method ever invented, Twitter – that “North Korea is looking for trouble.  If China decides to help, that would be great.  If not, we will solve the problem without them!  U.S.A.”

Good thing Twitter only allows 140 characters per tweet, as he used every one of them to threaten one of the most maniacal, nuclear-capable regimes on Earth with invasion.  Oh, and did I mention that just yesterday, it was reported that China deployed 150,000 troops to the North Korean border – clearly, in response to Trump’s threats.  Which, when combined with Trump’s prior threats to “block China’s access to islands in the South China Sea,” are being appropriately construed as loosely-veiled threats as well, to a nation that can military destroy America as easily as we can destroy it.

Tying this to the raison d’etre of this blog, Mac Slavo couldn’t have said it better yesterday, in warning us to “prepare for war, as it’s going to obliterate the global financial system.”  And in my view – which I back up by putting my money where my mouth is, the best way to protect yourself from what’s inevitably coming; with or without the aforementioned worst-case scenario of war; are physical gold and silver.  Yes, Bitcoin will likely also take on similar “safe haven status” when the “most overdue financial crisis in history” inevitably arrives.  However, given its nascent status; and the significant political and technological risks it faces, this “twin destroyer of the fiat regime” is far more speculative than Precious Metals, with their proven 5,000-year track record; which is why my PM position remains five times that of my Bitcoin, and will stay that way for the foreseeable future.

Yes, I’m pissed off – and I don’t see why anyone would want to spend a second debating politics, when America’s, and the entire world’s, economy and monetary system are at the edge of the abyss.  Frankly, I couldn’t care less who’s “President,” here or anywhere – as it won’t make a whit of difference.  I’m an analyst, logician, and realist; and above all, a human being with survival instincts – for myself, my family and friends, and you.  And what I’m telling you, with every ounce of my being, is that the time is NOW to prepare financially, as whether the “best” or “worst” case scenario plays out, it will undoubtedly involve larger economic losses that the world has ever known – particularly for those who hold “cash” (for as long as its legal) in banks and other financially vulnerable institutions – be it in the form of “dollars,” Euros, Yen, Yuan, or whatever fiat toilet paper your Central bank prints into oblivion.  This, on the orders of governments that are being serially overrun – first, in “banana republics” like Turkey, Brazil, and Venezuela”; to shortly, “first world” nations that supposedly “wrote the book” on civilization.  Like, say, Greece – which will unquestionably “GrExit” by year end; Japan – the tragic “land of the setting sun”; and potentially, as soon as next month, France.

Yes, France, one of the oldest, most storied, and proud nations on Earth – inhabited by people famous for revolution, and standing up to tyranny.  Today, France is a shell of its former greatness – having been destroyed by money printing, debt, immigration, and feckless “leaders” like current President François Hollande – whose approval rating is so low, he isn’t even running for re-election.  Not to mention, Hollande’s 39-year old, snot-nosed, silver spoon “Minister of the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs,” Emmanuel Macron – who the same propagandists and poll- and betting-line-riggers that said the BrExit and Trump would fail – are purporting to be the Presidential “front runner.”  This, after the previous “front runner,” former Prime Minister François  Fillon was charged with embezzlement of Parliamentary funds, funneled to his then girlfriend, and now wife.  That said, Le Pen’s “odds” are far higher than either Trump’s or the BrExit’s ever were – and after she marches through the first round of voting on April 23rd, you can bet said “odds” will be higher still, particularly if fellow upstart; and yes, COMMUNIST, Jean-Luc Melenchon manages to surge past Macron, yielding a direct confrontation with Le Pen – which he could not possibly win.  This is a low probability scenario, mind you, but in the land of the French Revolution, don’t be surprised if it happens.

Certainly, markets won’t be as surprised, given that French sovereign risk metrics soared this morning to the highs of 2012, when Mario Draghi was forced to give his infamous “whatever it takes” speech.  LOL, “whatever it takes” to save the Euro, has apparently meant hyper inflating it, destroying its exchange rate, and causing the continent, just five years later, to be on the verge of collapse!

Suffice to say, I believe as strongly as my extremely vocal pre-election views of BrExit and Trump victories that she will win the French Presidency on May 7th.  Look no further than the huge crowds she is getting – like this one last week, and the one in the 60 Minutes profile aired roughly a month ago.  France is rapidly dying – and if Macron, or some other statist puppet wins, it will turn into Greece sooner rather than later.  Even if I’m wrong about the election, France will financially implode in the coming year or too irrespective – particularly if Greece, Catalonia, or another major state or nation secedes.  However, if I’m right, we’re talking about a “BrExit times 100” market cataclysm on May 8th, less than one month away.  As I assure you, “FrExit” will be a given if she wins – and with it, the end of both the European Union and the hyper inflating Euro, certainly in its current incarnation.  And TRUST ME, no amount of market rigging – in stocks, sovereign bonds, Precious Metals, or otherwise – will be able to stave off the enraged forces of “Economic Mother Nature”; and the trillions of dollars; Yen; Pounds; and particularly, Euros, seeking “safe haven.”  In other words, PROTECT YOURSELF, and do it now!

P.S.  How about that?  After perhaps the most blatant Precious Metal attacks imaginable, as I write gold is back up to $1,267/oz – after having bounced at EXACTLY at its 200 week moving average of $1,246/oz yesterday.  Meanwhile, silver is back to $18.15/oz, once again above its own 200 week moving average of $18.13/oz – giving further credence to the consideration that the Cartel’s “silver Waterloo” may well be as imminent as it is inevitable!

Andrew ("Andy") Hoffman, CFA joined Miles Franklin, one of America's oldest, largest bullion dealers, as Media Director in October 2011. For a decade, he was a US-based buy-side and sell-side analyst, most notably as an II-ranked oil service analyst at Salomon Smith Barney from 1999 through 2005. Since 2002, his focus has been entirely on precious metals, and since 2006 has written free missives regarding gold, silver and macroeconomics. Prior to joining the company he spent five years working as an investor relations officer or consultant to numerous junior mining companies.

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