One Of America’s Largest Online Retailers Is Stockpiling Gold & Silver Coins To Pay Employees In Coming Crisis

Executive & Research Director @ GoldCore
November 10, 2015

One of America’s largest companies is preparing for problems in the banking and financial system and another financial crisis.

Online retail giant (OSTK), publicly stated that the company has stockpiled gold and silver coins in preparation for another U.S. financial crisis. Patrick Byrne, its founder and chief executive, is a libertarian who champions crypto currencies, bitcoin and gold and silver bullion as financial insurance against risk in the financial and monetary system.

Patrick Byrne, CEO of e-commerce giant

Overstock Chairman, Jonathan Johnson recently told an audience at the United Precious Metals Association:

We are not big fans of Wall Street and we don’t trust them. We foresaw the financial crisis, we fought against the financial crisis that happened in 2008; we don’t trust the banks still and we foresee that with QE3, and QE4 and QE n that at some point there is going to be another significant financial crisis.”

Quantitative easing (QE) is when central banks create billions and trillions worth of fiat currency out of thin air and inject it into the financial system rising currency debasement and inflation in the long term.

Johnson went on to explain the company’s preparations:

So what do we do as a business so that we would be prepared when that happens? One thing that we do that is fairly unique: we have about $10 million in gold, mostly the small button-sized coins, that we keep outside of the banking system. We expect that when there is a financial crisis there will be a banking holiday. I don’t know if it will be two days, or two weeks, or two months. We have $10 million in gold and silver in denominations small enough that we can use for payroll. We want to be able to keep our employees paid, safe, and our site up and running during a financial crisis.

We also happen to have three months of food supply for every employee that we can live on.”

A further insight into the company’s preparations for a crisis can be seen in the company’s latest 10-Q filed with the SEC:

Our precious metals consisted of $6.3 million in gold and $4.6 million in silver at June 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014. We store our precious metals at an off-site secure facility. Because these assets consist of actual precious metals, rather than financial instruments, we account for them as a cost method investment initially recorded at cost (including transaction fees) and then adjusted to the lower of cost or market based on an average unit cost”.


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Mark O'Byrne is executive and research director of which he founded in 2003. GoldCore have become one of the leading gold brokers in the world and have over 4,000 clients in over 40 countries and with over $200 million in assets under management and storage.We offer mass affluent, HNW, UHNW and institutional investors including family offices, gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion in London, Zurich, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai and Perth. 

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