A Reverse Bucket List

Market Analyst, Author, and Founder of The Deviant Investor
October 10, 2018

Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman starred in the 2007 movie, “The Bucket List.” A “bucket list” defines things we want to do before we die, before we “kick the bucket.”

A reverse bucket list—as used here—is a list of things already occurred, but we wish had not happened.

The Reverse Bucket List:

  • The Federal Reserve Act authorized the central bank of the United States. That act allowed a privately owned bank—The Federal Reserve—which is neither federal nor a reserve—to control the nation’s money supply. Politicians and bankers are pleased The Fed exists because it enhances their power and wealth. However, the Fed devalues the dollar and creates price inflation for consumers and stocks. This weakens the economy and transfers wealth to the political and financial elite.

Not everyone wishes the Fed would disappear, but that desire is number one on this Reverse Bucket List. (I’m not optimistic about its demise…) Read “Secretly Sticking it to Americans.”

  • President Roosevelt authorized the confiscation of most private gold in 1933 via executive order # 6102. Gold coins no longer circulated following that order. The U.S. government paid gold owners $20.67 for each ounce of gold. Soon thereafter the government revalued gold to $35.00 per ounce. That displeased some Americans…

Americans use Federal Reserve Notes—DEBTS—instead of real money. Most individuals are unconcerned that gold no longer circulates as money. However, some believe President Roosevelt betrayed the American people, confiscated gold to benefit bankers, and eliminated gold coins from circulation.

  • The assassination of President Kennedy in 1963: If the assassination had not occurred, the assassination cover-up would have been unnecessary. The Vietnam War might not have escalated, and the horrible inflation of the 1970s would have been less destructive. Instead, President Johnson pushed the United States into a war that cost 58,000 American lives and much wealth.
  • President Johnson in 1965 (The Coinage Act) removed silver from legal tender coins. He encouraged fiscal irresponsibility, deficit spending, and the inflationary policies used to fund both “The Great Society” and the Vietnam War. Both programs were costly, but helpful to the political and financial elite. Most Americans saw their wages increase but their expenses and taxes rose more rapidly.
  • President Nixon closed the “gold window” in 1971. The U.S. had spent too many dollars outside the country and foreign nations wanted gold for those dollars—as promised by the Bretton Woods treaty. President Nixon refused to honor the treaty. The dollar floated thereafter relative to other currencies. Debt and spending rose to unbelievable (at the time) heights and prices for commodities soared. Gold rose from under $40 to over $800 in January 1980. President Nixon and his Federal Reserve advisors chose convenience, out-of-control spending and banker profits over responsible government actions.
  • January 1980 was a crazy time. Gold ascended to over $800 and silver spiked over $50. Desperate people stood in line outside coin stores to buy silver and gold at outrageous prices. Four years earlier gold sold for less than $120 and silver sold for under $5. This reverse bucket list includes the precious metals bubble because many people were soured on honest money—gold and silver—because of the subsequent crash. A minor version of that disappointment occurred after the 2011 crash in silver and gold prices.
  • The 9-11 disaster was a horrific event. Many believe the official story is problematic – full of logical holes, inconsistencies and violations of the laws of physics. But the powers-that-be crafted the story and distributed it to the world, regardless of inconsistencies, people who possessed prior knowledge, strange stock market transactions, false news presentations and more. The Patriot Act and the “War on Terror” might not have happened if the powers-that-be had prevented the 9-11 disaster. Or the official story might be true, and the Easter Bunny…
  • The crash of 2018—2020. This market crash/correction has not yet occurred (late-August 2018) but it will happen. Perhaps the financial and political elite can soften or delay it, but corrections to markets and other bubbles always occur. Others call the current bubble an “everything bubble,” including stocks, sovereign debt, student loans, housing, sub-prime auto loans, tech stocks (FAANG companies) and political craziness.

This list could be much longer.

The dominant theme from the “Reverse Bucket List” is that honest money has suffered because of the policies of bankers and politicians. Debt based fiat currencies have replaced honest currencies.

People must protect their assets and retirement from the dangers of dishonest money, ever-increasing debts and market corrections or crashes. The powers-that-be sell dreams and delusions based upon debt and paper.

Convert some of your digital and paper assets into real money.

Miles Franklin will convert “reverse bucket list” paper into real money.


Gary Christenson

Gary ChristensonGary Christenson is the owner and writer for the popular and contrarian investment site Deviant Investor and the author of the book, “Gold Value and Gold Prices 1971 – 2021.” He is a retired accountant and business manager with 30 years of experience studying markets, investing, and trading. He writes about investing, gold, silver, the economy and central banking.

18 karat gold is 75% pure gold.
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