Rosen On Gold & HUI Index

July 27, 2013

“There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.”   --  Julius Caesar Act 4, scene 3, 218–224

“Now is the hour.” if we are going to take the gold current when it serves. Ever since the low at $255.80 the gold current has served all those who dared to venture forth in a speculation that promised to pay handsomely. Time and time again a new high was made at # 4 high and the grouping of # 1 high and # 2 high. The biggest moves began at # 3 low. Gold has bottomed at # 3 low. This logarithmic gold chart is a magnificent picture of higher highs and higher lows. The only thing left to know is the timing of the highs and lows.




The HUI made a new high at every combination # 1 and # 2 high. The new high moves began at the previous # 3 low. The HUI has currently bottomed at # 3 low. The first peak at 258.60 was 223 points higher than the previous 35.31 low at # 3 low. The second peak at 519.60 was 355.87 points higher than the previous 165.71 low at # 3 low. The third peak at 638.59 was 488.32 points higher than the previous 150.27 low at # 3 low. Based on the increase in points at each peak it is reasonable to assume that the point increase at peak four would be approximately 620 points (488 + 132). If we add 620 points to the present 206.66 low at the current # 3 low we arrive at a potential high at the fourth peak of 826.

The huge bull moves in the HUI all began at # 3 low and topped at the grouping of

 # 1 high and # 2 high. Each bull move was bigger than the previous one. The HUI has once again bottomed at # 3 low. Based on the past performance of the HUI it is more than reasonable to assume that the current leg up will be the biggest move in the HUI so far.


If you wish to follow the timing of the highs and lows in the gold and silver complex a subscription will cost $35.00 a month.


Ron Rosen Precious Metals Timing Letter

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