Sentiment Speaks: Here Is The Most Ridiculous Commentary About The Market

Elliot Wave Technical Analyst & author @ Elliott Wave Trader
February 25, 2018

market analysis


  • Media offer excuses.

  • It's time to think for yourself.

  • Upcoming market expectations.

Whenever I write a new article on the stock market, I usually try to highlight just how ridiculous much of the commentary about the market truly is. My ultimate goal is to force you to think on your own and adopt a more intellectually honest perspective of financial markets, rather than just buying into anything you read or hear.

Two weeks ago, I noted how the pundits claimed the market dropped because of rising rates, but when the market rallied, the same pundits claimed that it was rallying because of rising rates.

Clearly, these people no longer think before they provide “analysis.” Yet, many viewers do even less thinking. Not only do they buy into everything they hear from these pundits, but they then come onto the comment section of my articles (and throughout blogs all over the internet) and regurgitate what they have just heard. It seems no one thinks on their own anymore.

Around the same time, these same pundits told us that if the CPI would suggest inflation is rearing its ugly head, the market would continue to tank. Yet, the market held the support I noted to my subscribers to the penny, and we have continued higher still. So, I guess inflation must be good for the market.

So, I happened to have had the television turned on Friday to a certain news station towards the end of the trading day. And, I am usually quite amused at hearing what the “experts” say about what is causing the day’s movements in the market.

Now, on Friday, there was no real news that the pundits could point towards which would explain the rally we experienced. However, it seems the first pundit decided to view the rally as being caused by Trump’s speech that afternoon. I mean, did he announce some amazing new economic stimulus that caused investors to begin buying with two fists? No. Maybe it was his perspective on how he tries to hide his bald spot? Somehow, I just don’t think that was it either. Yet, that did not stop the first pundit from claiming that this speech somehow caused the market to rally on Friday. And, amazingly, not only did none of the other 3 pundits on the same show challenge him on that perspective or come up with another perspective of their own, they all simply agreed that it must have been caused by Trump’s speech.


Avi Gilburt is a widely followed Elliott Wave technical analyst and author of, a live Trading Room featuring his intraday market analysis (including emini S&P500, metals, oil, USD & VXX), interactive member-analyst forum, and detailed library of Elliott Wave education. You can contact Avi at: [email protected].

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