Andrew Hoffman

Andrew ("Andy") Hoffman, CFA joined Miles Franklin, one of America's oldest, largest bullion dealers, as Media Director in October 2011. For a decade, he was a US-based buy-side and sell-side analyst, most notably as an II-ranked oil service analyst at Salomon Smith Barney from 1999 through 2005. Since 2002, his focus has been entirely on precious metals, and since 2006 has written free missives regarding gold, silver and macroeconomics. Prior to joining the company he spent five years working as an investor relations officer or consultant to numerous junior mining companies.

Andrew Hoffman Articles

It’s Wednesday evening, and I can’t help pondering what the world will like when TPTB lose control of “last to go” markets like the “Dow Jones Propaganda Average” and paper gold and silver. Care of the “weapons of mass financial...
Sure, my job is to be even keeled, even when confronted with the daily crime scene manipulated “markets” have become. However, even I have my limits; and watching today’s “trading,” it was hard not to feel nauseous. I mean, today alone,...
Sorry to start today’s article with an intense blast of “manipulation proof”; but in a world of where reality has – temporarily - been so thoroughly usurped by lies and fraud, someone has to discuss reality. Not that I’m the only one, of...
For 13 years, I have watched one of North America’s largest bullion dealers – with unquestionably, the most viewed website – spew anti-gold propaganda day in and day out, going out of its way to bring every imaginable negative viewpoint to...
I know I’m ahead of myself, as this article is being written Monday morning – to be uploaded to the blog Tuesday, and distributed in our Wednesday newsletter. However, there is simply too much to talk about – and frankly, I can’t wait to...
I’ve had this title queued up for some time; but after yesterday’s egregious “trading,” it finally “ripened” enough for publication. To wit, if ever a day screamed “last ditch effort,” it was yesterday. Frankly, I believe the Cartel aimed...
It’s 2:30 AM MST Friday morning, on my “day off.” However, I couldn’t sleep because too much is going through my head – as I digest the second “financial big bang” in just a week’s time. Many more are coming this year – perhaps as early as...
Chalk this up as another article I hadn’t planned to write, but was inspired by the incredible events of the day. To wit, following the momentous events I discussed Wednesday, today’s historic Swiss National Bank announcement – and epic...
I wasn’t planning to write this morning (Friday); and in fact, will have completed this article before the December NFP payroll report is released. Regarding said report, my advice is the same as always regarding the “island of lies”...
Three months ago, I wrote “2008 is back, with one temporary exception”; which, in hindsight, parallels May’s “most damning proof yet of QE failure” as the most important articles published in the past year. The latter refers to the abject...

The volume of all the gold ever mined can occupy a cube 63 feet on each side.

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