Don Stott
Don Stott Articles
So said David V., a client of mine who, if there ever was someone in the thick of the financial world, it is he. David, on a daily basis, trades the big stuff, for a large New York company. He's sharp, experienced, and savvy. He's buying...
I get a lot of things forwarded to me by clients and friends, and I, in turn do the same to them. I thank Jeff L for a story from the (London) Times of July 9th, whose headline is, "Share Selling By US Directors Reaches Record." (A lot of...
In a previous column, I noted that if you lived in the west, and loved old radio like I do, that you could tune in KNX, Los Angeles, 1070AM at 9PM and 2AM Pacific Time to hear an hour of old radio every night, 7 nights a week. The other...
(I had an e-mail letter from a reader of a previous piece, who was outraged when I called dishonest Abe Lincoln one of our worst presidents. I e-mailed him chapter 11 of my book "Consequences," which covers the wrongly titled "Civil War,"...
Most of us have insurance. Auto insurance especially, since accidents do happen, and one can never predict when some nutty, pimple faced, testosterone soaked, teenage male will attempt to test GM's differential gears with his hopped up V-8...
Of all the questions I am asked, practically on a daily basis, the most common one is, "When are prices of gold and silver going to go up?" It's a logical question. After all, we gold and silver enthusiasts have been predicting a radical...
There are so many non sequiturs going around these days, that one can hardly tell fact from fiction. Take the trite expression "Developing Nations" which was coined by some liberal apologist from the United Nations, which name in itself is...
I just completed a telephone survey of all the registered, approved, financial planners in my town. They have various degrees, diplomas, and certificates of achievement, which certifies them as experts in economics. They have all the... is read by millions. It is our forum for gold, silver, and stock trends, theories, graphs, estimates, plus assorted opinions and predictions. Wonderful web site, and thanks to its suppliers. Whether we are into stocks and...
Of course we all remember Dragnet, with Joe Friday telling everyone that he just wanted the facts. (If you are in the west and love old radio, LA 50,000 watt KNX radio, AM 1070, has old radio shows twice a night, at 9PM and 2AM Pacific...