Ed Bugos

Ed Bugos is a mining analyst, investment banking professional, and senior analyst at The Dollar Vigilante (an online guide to surviving the dollar crash), with more than 20 years experience in the investment business advising clients on portfolio and trading strategies.

Ed Bugos Articles

07-Dec-04: Wheaton was just about the only gold stock up yesterday. Our comments on this ostensibly friendly transaction follow the announcement and data below (in subsequent pages). From Goldcorp's website:
We don't actually hope to go back to the old ways of using gold coinage; it's just that the Federal Reserve's monetary policies keep driving us there. Or put another way; capitalism and private property are to productivity what inflation...
Truth is a delicate lining, not easily seen except in certain light - Ed Bugos Dollar bulls beat up on the Yen Monday, pushing it back down to October's low after a recent spate of dollar weakness saw it rise back up to September's levels.
To warm you up for today's editorial, I'd like to share three of the most powerful quotes I've had the pleasure of reading on the subject of gold and money:
Currency traders are betting a report expected early this week from a task force regarding Japan's banking problems is a sell signal for the yen whether it is hard-line or soft in its implications for reform. A hard-line approach to their...
What if the major stock market averages were to trade in a wide range over the next 15 to 20 years, between 6000 and 12000ish on the Dow for instance? Could you name that tune?
Greenspan's remarks on economic volatility at a symposium sponsored by the FRB of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming struck some important themes for gold traders to contemplate. This of course includes the (sort of) self-avowed gold bug...
Mark Lewis is a staff writer at Forbes. On August 13th 2002, MSN posted an article written by him titled "Fool's Gold" in which he indicts gold as a barbarous relic mostly on grounds that it hasn't performed well in spite of the financial...
So what if the Dow goes up by 15% over the next three to four months. That's no consolation to anyone that watched it drop 30% in the past four months. To recover losses like that the average would have to rise 40% off its recent bottom,...
It's always darkest before the bottom falls out - JP McGoran

The world’s gold supply increases by 2,600 tons per year versus the U.S. steel production of 11,000 tons per hour.

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