If you want to make money investing, you first need to understand the structure of the asset classes in our current financial system.
Everyone likes to go bonkers over stocks, but the reality is that the stock market is in fact one of the...
The market is now officially in the largest bubble relative to the economy in history. Warren Buffett once famously stated that his favorite means of valuing stock was the stock market capitalization to GDP ratio. This was the very metric...
June of 2017 marked the date at which the inflation genie was let out of the bottle. That was the month that: 1) Fed Chair Janet Yellen began the process through which the Fed publicly admitted that it has no clue about how inflation...
The bond market is talking, but no one is listening. As I explain in my bestselling book The Everything Bubble: the Endgame For Central Bank Policy, the yield on the 10-Year US Treasury bond is the single most important interest rate in...
The Fed concludes its final FOMC meeting of the year today. The entire financial world expects the Fed to raise rates a final time. This will mark the fifth rate hike since December 2015, and the fourth of the last 12 months.
In the aftermath of the Great Financial Crisis, Central Banks began cornering the sovereign bond market via Zero or even Negative interest rates and Quantitative Easing (QE) programs. The goal here was to reflate the financial system by...
And they're going to choose to let stocks go. The #1 driver of the stock market is Central Bank money printing. In 2017 alone, the BoJ and the European Central Bank (ECB) have printed over $1.5 TRILLION and funneled it into the financial...
When Central Banks attempted to corner the sovereign bond market via ZIRP and QE, they forced ALL risk in the financial system to adjust lower. Remember, in a fiat-based monetary system such as the one used by the world today, sovereign...
Remember how the Fed, ECB and others all claimed ZIRP and QE were about generating economic growth, making mortgages more affordable, and helping consumers? Well, that was a gigantic lie. The truth is that every major policy employed by...
This 2017 year was the year that the financial system moved from fearing deflation to expecting inflation. You can see this in the breakout in inflation expectations. From 2013 until mid-2016, the financial system’s expectations of future...