Jason Hommel

Jason Hommel Articles

Silver Stock Report Click here to see the video at Youtube! http://www.youtube.com/silverstockreport I would like to discuss the various possible tax benefits of owning silver; benefits that may exist world wide. Silver, which is true...
Since silver has recently risen so much in the past six months, from about $8 to as high as nearly $15/oz., it's time to review the fundamentals.  I will back up each point with a link, so that you don't have to trust me, but so you can...
Today, we had a severe correction in silver, as silver was down nearly 20%. But my portfolio of silver junior stocks was down only 3%. So, in terms of silver, I actually gained about 18%, in terms of silver today, as the silver stocks...
It's always easy to make investment decisions in hindsight. It's much harder to have a vision for the future. I believe that paper money will be destroyed, and that gold and silver money will once again be restored as money worldwide. And...
The Russian Central bank is buying up to 1,000 tonnes of gold to double its gold holdings from 500 tonnes, most of which, 377 tonnes, is lent out. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20051128/42241821.html The news of Russian Central Bank gold...
Last time I was excited about politics, I was a fool. I voted for Ross Perot, twice! And we idiots were in favor of protectionism. Today, I'm a firm believer in the benefits of free trade. After all, I'm now an investor and trader!
Grass Valley, CA (silverstockreport.com)  -- The Silver Users Association (SUA), a group devoted to the conflicting goals of keeping silver prices low and keeping silver available for users, stunned the silver investing community last...
I believe that now is an excellent time to buy silver stocks. Here is the silver story in a nutshell: Silver is cheap because silver is not being used as money anywhere in the world. Reduced demand for silver money causes a reduced price....
Ceasar was supposed to be a god. Julias Caesar was killed on the Ides of March. (March 15th) Today, we don't make men gods. Instead society has made our financial system into a false god. On March 15th, 2005, (the ides of March) we may...
Silver has a long history of being used as money. Early in the book of Genesis, there are examples of the importance of silver. Silver is valuable as both a metal of commerce and a metal of industrial application. With the silver Denarii,...

In 1934 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt devalued the dollar by raising the price of gold to $35 per ounce.

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