Jeb Handwerger

Jeb HandwergerJeb studied engineering and mathematics and received his undergraduate degree from University of Buffalo and a Masters Degree at Nova Southeastern University. Teaching technical analysis to professionals in South Florida for over 7 years, Jeb began a daily newsletter which grew to include thousands of readers from over 40 nations such as China, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand amongst many others who are interested in the North American Resource Market. His website at You can reach Jeb at: [email protected].

Jeb Handwerger Articles

I wrote nearly a month ago that "The Worse Things Were For The Mining Sector, The Better They Will Get”. This was after the first downward plunge in gold (GLD) and silver (SLV) in April due to the Goldman short.
"The main purpose of the stock market is to make fools of as many men as possible." Bernard Baruch
One of the ways to look for a bear market low is to look for panic selling and capitulation after an extended downtrend.  Since 2013 began the Venture has had 3 months of losses compared to the Dow Industrials.

The average human body contains 0.2 mg of gold with the bone containing .016 ppm and the liver .0004 ppm.

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