Jeffrey Lewis

Jeffrey Lewis Articles

Much controversy surrounds comparisons between precious metals and the growing number of crypto currencies. In some ways an ideological wedge has formed between hard asset investors and the most vocal of electronic currency advocates.
The central bank driver world macro structure is in full can-kicking mode. The fuels that have built up are almost too numerous to mention, though some issues continue to be recycled as if they were needed to explain the latest potential...
By now, most observers have heard of precious metals price manipulation. As the issue creeps into the mainstream, more and more investors will come to understand it - along with its vast implications.
Seasoned and long term investors are familiar with the effects of price suppression. Very few traders can manage the complex positioning required to profit from egregious interference. And the consensus is that it will go on forever,...
Hyperinflation is a dynamic process - much like a positive feedback loop that, once entered, is almost impossible to exit. The process can go on for years. In the feedback cycle, the more central banks print money and buy bonds, the less...
The last time housing market sentiment and precious metals prices lined up this way, we were on the cusp of massive volatility and collapse. Housing had reached the end of its long, great credit-driven rope. At the same time, defaults...
Currently, commodity price performance has lulled the speculative (and therefore, the mainstream) community into a sense of complacency. The speed with which accidents can happen and induce overall change in sentiment is something which...
Much confusion persists regarding the method, or mechanics, of how the big banks are able to push the price of precious metals around at will for so long. GATA and Ted Butler have long established and outlined the reasons why this occurs (...
World financial markets are poised for a major phase transition. We are witnessing a bubble trifecta where a bubble in bonds, equities, and housing are beginning inflate beyond sustainability, which poses a very real threat to what is left...
The Chinese have taken the other side to the great Western financialization by importing its inflation and gaining control of its bond market. In addition, they have built a massive infrastructure capable of supporting its billions of...

Gold is found in nature in quartz veins

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