Keith Weiner

PhD in Economics, CEO of Monetary Metals

Keith WeinerDr. Keith Weiner is the CEO of Monetary Metals and the president of the Gold Standard Institute USA.  Keith is a leading authority in the areas of gold, money, and credit and has made important contributions to the development of trading techniques founded upon the analysis of bid-ask spreads.  Keith is a sought after speaker and regularly writes on economics.  He is an Objectivist, and has his PhD from the New Austrian School of Economics.  His website is

Keith Weiner Articles

The Arizona House of Representatives has convened an Ad Hoc Committee on Gold Bonds. The purpose is to explore if and how the state could sell a gold bond. This is an exciting development, as the issuance of a gold bond would be a major...
The prices of the metals didn’t change much last week. We thought we would take this opportunity to quote Warren Buffet. His comment at Harvard in 1998 earns him the despite of the gold community.
What is the real interest rate? It is the nominal rate minus the inflation rate. This is a problematic idea. Let’s drill deeper into what they mean by inflation.
It goes without question among economists of the central planning mindset, that if a central bank can just set the right quantity of dollars, then the price level, GDP, unemployment and everything else will be right at the Goldilocks...
The price of gold was up about thirty bucks last week. The price of silver was up almost seventy cents. Last week, a reader reminded us that in the long run the dollar is going to zero. He said: “At some point in time, unknown to me, the...
This was a shortened week, due to the American holiday of July 4 celebrating the start of the war that led to “Amexit”, 240 years ago. The prices of the metals were up last week, +$25 in gold and +$0.48 in silver. The gold to silver ratio...
The big news this week was that the British voted to exit the European Union. This was not the outcome expected by pundits, or the polls. “Risk on” assets were relentlessly bid up prior to the vote. For example, S&P 500 index futures...
There are two views of the markets for the monetary metals. One, as we have discussed many times in this Report, holds that gold and silver will eventually go up so high that those who own the metals will be rich. This is the Schrodinger’s...
The dollar moved up…though most people would say gold fell about $40 and silver 32 cents. In the mainstream view, the value of the dollar is 1/N (N is the quantity). So how could the dollar go up? Certainly, the quantity keeps on...
The price of gold moved down about sixteen bucks, while that of silver dropped about three dimes. In other words, the dollar gained 0.3 milligrams of gold and 0.04 grams of silver.

Gold was first discovered in U.S. at the Reed farm in North Carolina in 1799, a 17-pound nugget.

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