first majestic silver

Warren Bevan

Warren Bevan is a renowned trader who’s honed his craft over the years learning the styles and techniques of Jesse Livermore, William O’Neil and Dan Zanger and forming his own unique style. He focuses on making money and going hard when the right markets present themselves and during the rest of the time focuses on capital preservation.  He focuses on the leading fast moving stocks during the good times.  He is a proud Canadian, traveler, explorer, and consummate market geek who tells it as he sees it. Warren’s website is and his email address is [email protected]

Warren Bevan Articles

Not much going on in the precious metals last week as they remain trapped within a tightening range for gold and silver but we did see an attempt to break gold which saw buyers emerge and push it back up, which is a very good sign. I talk...
Another choppy week for markets and stocks with no real direction. It’s still very hard to catch a winner. We saw one stocks we’ve been eyeing for a while as it built its super base, and it broke-out Thursday on heavy volume which is...
One of the slowest weeks in a long time is finally over. We started the week buying into a few stocks but then we were quickly stopped out the next day for a mix of smallish gains, small losses and a couple at break-even. Getting stopped...
Markets remain strong and setup for a breakout while stocks are still lagging BUT many stocks are now starting to setup nice buy levels so we will see more and more buy points finally come to us in the week and weeks ahead.
Another volatile week for markets. Moreover, leading stocks are being battered and most earnings numbers, even if good, cause a large sell-off, even after a large initial gap higher. It remains a dangerous market with not much to do. A...
Volatility reigned supreme again this past week as many stocks look to have put lows in now just as earnings season is really heating up. Lots of big companies are reporting in the weeks ahead and could move this market and stocks higher...
A wild, wild week for major US markets and many leading stocks. After falling hard we saw a bottom late Monday and we were lucky enough to buy several leading fast movers late Monday and we saw them rise sharply into Thursday where we...
Markets remained weak and choppy as we build out a base. we really only saw very quick opportunities or no more than 3 days of trend. It’s not an easy market, or one for the feint of heart and that’s why we’ve been in cash for weeks now...
Markets remain choppy and in correction mode and that’s why we’ve mostly been in cash the past 3 weeks. So many people always want and need action, but this type of market is hard on an account and will chop it up quickly.
With markets showing they need some time I took last weekend off to go away and get some skiing in so my apologies to the many who’ve emailed wondering my thoughts on gold and silver this past week.

USA has the world’s largest holdings of gold: 8,134 - representing 77% of its Total Foreign Reserves.

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