Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


April 21, 1998

We have written before about the remarkable ability of banks to create money when making loans, and of their equally remarkable ability to multiply these newly created-from-nothing bank deposits via fractional reserve banking.

April 19, 1998

An almost hysterical antagonism toward the gold standard is one issue which unites statists of all persuasions.

April 18, 1998

April 17, 1998

Every week we receive email from many parts of the world requesting information about HOW TO EVALUATE A GOLD STOCK. Addressing this growing need we present a general procedure analysis that the average investor can perform by himself.

April 13, 1998

I have greatly enjoyed hearing from readers, especially the combative ones who have argued, in effect, that this bull market will continue forever. Herewith, a response to some of your comments and queries.

April 11, 1998

Perception, whether based on reality or myth is a powerful force. When it is based on actuality, this is a reasonable thought process.

April 9, 1998

No matter how much cats fight, there always seems to be plenty of kittens.

Abraham Lincoln

In a recent posting to a Gold Chat Group, someone asserted:

April 1, 1998

May 15, 1998



Toronto, Ontario - CANADA

Peter Bunk, Presiding


March 27, 1998


March 25, 1998

Nothing is more annoying than to be obscurely hanged. Voltaire

March 20, 1998

It was once said that "gold and oil can never flow in the same direction. If the current price of oil doesn't change soon we will no doubt run out of gold."

ANOTHER - October 5, 1997

March 19, 1998

To those somewhat familiar with the world's spectrum of gold mining stocks, it has always been an inexplicable enigma why North-American and Australian gold stocks should perennially enjoy much higher Price/Earnings ratios than their South African brethren.

March 11, 1998


Who's there?


Wayne who?

Wayne, wayne go away, come again another day!

March 8, 1998

Money is whatever people agree it is. At various times and places in history, money has ranged from sea shells and gold coins to paper currency and now electronic debit cards.

March 4, 1998

Mr. Johnston's Letter to his Sons!

(The Sting & Ponzi Scheme!)

When a bull market takes leave of its senses as this one surely has, what's an investor to do?

If you're planning to cash out near the top, there's just one answer: toss prudence overboard.

February 24, 1998

Almost a year ago a very interesting and erudite gold study was published in the British press. The report was produced by the Economist Intelligence Unit (15 Regent Street, London SW1Y 4LR).

February 22, 1998

One feature we like to do every now and then is what we call "Pennies From Heaven." This is a spotlight on stocks we've stumbled across in our research which fit three important criteria.

February 15, 1998

Abstract: In recent years, price bubbles appear to have developed in the real estate markets in several developed economies, including the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, the Nordic countries and Japan.

February 13, 1998

"We are all competing right now in a race against time to avert an impending computer catastrophe." - Con. Connie Morella (D-MD) Speech at 1997 Y2K Symposium

February 9, 1998

February 7, 1998

February 2, 1998

From Thomas Jefferson, in an address to his fellow 'founding fathers' of the new nation:


Who'd have guessed that rumors of adultery in the White House would be bullish for stocks?

Our December 13th feature "STRESS TEST" was eerily on the money as far as President Clinton was concerned (for complete text, see the December 13th listing at the end of this posting).

February 1, 1998

Sometime ago we ran across an interesting table showing the annual high and low for the London PM gold fix from 1979 to 1996. Subsequently, we updated the table, and developed the following 1998 gold price prediction from it.

I really hadn't planned on writing another gold/silver lease scam piece for awhile, but I happened to read Martin Armstrong's article of 1/28/98, and I got the feeling he was taking issue with my contention that the silver lease con was over, or that it ever ex

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In 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 which outlawed U.S. citizens from hoarding gold.

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