"He who knows nothing, doubts nothing"
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
August 11, 1997
August 10, 1997
The following rhetoric is quoted from "The Bullish Case for An Imminent Gold Rally" -- as taken from the WWW.
August 6, 1997
When most people think of amassing a horde of bullion gold or silver, they only think of nicely polished coin sized pieces issued by one of the many governments in the bullion business.
August 3, 1997
The world monetary system moves closer toward Total Collapse -- an all encompassing collapse that will destroy debts, businesses, financial institutions, and most important of all, it will bring down governments.
August 1, 1997
July 27, 1997
July 21, 1997
"Strange things are done 'neath the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold..."
July 18, 1997
Maybe. Here's why:
The Australian government appears to have been caught off balance by the fall in the gold price following the announcement on July 3rd that the country's central bank has sold 167 tonnes of gold, two-thirds of the official holdings.
July 14, 1997
DISCLAIMER: You should be warned upfront the following hypothesis may only be the theory of the writer... and perhaps a select few. Although there is ample foundation for the idea, some critics will undoubtedly claim it to be a Financial Fairy-tale...
July 7, 1997
The following analysis are not the original thoughts of this writer - credit must go to Randall W. Forsyth, who in early 1996 first discovered the uncanny relationship between foreign Central Banks increased holdings of U.S.
July 6, 1997
Evidence of Slower Growth, FOMC Stands Pat
July 5, 1997
(July - 1997)
July 1, 1997
June 30, 1997
Mixed Economic Signals
Astrologers, perhaps even more so than other kinds of analysts, believe in cycles. Some of these cycles, like those of the Moon and the fast moving inner planets, relate to daily, weekly, and monthly turns of events.
June 27, 1997
It has recently been postulated by some media commentators that the Japanese government would be loathe to selling U.S. Treasuries, because "such a course probably would be regarded as a financial Pearl Harbor by U.S.
June 26, 1997
India is the world's largest consumer of gold, but does not produce any gold of its own. The ever increasing demand for the precious yellow metal, subject to high import duty, is fueling a multi-million dollar gold smuggling racket.
June 24, 1997
"Only Solution Is To Dump U.S. Treasuries and Buy GOLD!"
June 23, 1997
June 20, 1997
(Ode: from the Greek oide, meaning song or as a suffix meaning way or path from the Greek hodos)
June 18, 1997
In the wee hours about a month ago we received an anonymous email with the following information of significant import to all concerned with what goes on in the world. Here it is. Since it is so long, we will run it as a series for several weeks.
June 15, 1997
Economy Slows, Wholesale Prices Fall
June 13, 1997
June 8, 1997
Mixed Signals on the Economy
June 7, 1997
The stunning ongoing developments in the precious metal world, centered on platinum and palladium, in the past week have left participants and observers awe struck.