Almost counter to current institutional thinking, the strength in the US Dollar will likely continue to push the US stock market higher over the next few weeks/months and act as a supporting price bias in any event of a short term global/us stock market price...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
July 9, 2019
Gold reserves of the National Bank of Poland (NBP) have risen by 125.7 tonnes to 228.6 tonnes, the bank announced on Friday.
July 8, 2019
Gold and silver bugs are well aware that JPMorgan Chase dominates precious metals futures trading. Russ and Pam Martens of the financial blog Wall Street on Parade just indentified how much control they have.
Despite gold prices falling back on Monday, sinking by the most in two years, that didn’t stop investors’ commitment to the yellow metal. Inflows into bullion-backed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) kept coming, writes Bloomberg, with holdings expanding for 16 of the...
In the first part of this series, we introduce some concepts from accounting: cash basis and balance sheet. This approach would logically suggest that we look at the national equity account. Any accountant can tell you that assets = liabilities + equity. Or, to...
Gold tends to perform well relative to commodities in general when inflation expectations are FALLING. The evidence is presented below in chart form.
July 7, 2019
“Enough congestion was produced at last week’s low to take the index up to about 2995-3000.” On Tuesday, SPX surged to a new all-time high of 2995.84 and closed at 2995.82, meeting the projection target set for this move. On Friday, prices dropped to 2968 in the...
Other evidence is building for a coming stock market decline. There are Bearish divergences between major stock indices and their 10 day average Advance/Decline Line Indicators. There is also a 10 observation Hindenburg Omen on the clock through September 2019.
Greetings this time 'round from Squaw Valley, where -- as has Gold piled onto price throughout these past seven weeks -- the snow depth for skiing still is piled seven feet high at the 8,200-foot (2,500-metre) level. Skiing in July? Get it while you can ... as is...
July 6, 2019
First, a decline in manufacturing, and then a slump in service industries, now a broad-spectrum inversion of the yield curve hitting its most critical metric this week, unemployment finally starting to rise again, a one-year relentless housing decline across most of...
Gold sector is on major buy signal. GLD is on short-term buy signal. GDX is on short-term buy signal. is on short-term buy signal. GDXJ is on short-term buy signal.
July 5, 2019
Here are today's videos and charts.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it has finally happened! The current expansion already goes on for 121 months, becoming the longest economic boom in the US history. Should we celebrate now? Or should we worry, as all good things come to an end, and whatever lasts long, ends...
There are growing signs that the global economic slowdown is for real. As was the case in 1929, the combination of the peak of the credit cycle coupled with trade protectionism in the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act are similar conditions to those of today and potentially...
Gold’s incredible strength this summer is very unusual, as early summers are the weakest times of the year seasonally for gold, silver, and their miners’ stocks. With traders’ attention diverted to vacations and summer fun, interest in and demand for precious...
Given the performance of my beloved Gold and Gold Miners in the past month, could there have ever been a more fitting word describing our sector than in the word "mettle"?
"Following the money" can be a good way of unraveling complexity. Sometimes what the technical jargon is covering up can be as simple as Insider A handing money over to Insider B in massive quantities - and when we understand that, our whole perspective can change...
July 4, 2019
The last few weeks for gold trader has been really exciting. Let face it, metals are starting to out perform us Equities late in a US stock bull market and we all know what that means. If you don’t know what I mean check out these charts!
July 3, 2019
The growth of the US money supply has slowed down! We invite you to read our today’s article about the sluggish American monetary inflation, and find out whether it signal the upcoming recession and good times for gold.
The gold and silver markets rarely get much love on Wall Street and from the average investors who only listen attentively to what CNBC and stock brokers have to say.
A few years ago, we wrote the salient article on the subject of derivative supply and demand on Comex. Given the recent price breakout and sentiment change, it's likely a good idea to re-visit this topic today.
When last we left the 3 Metallic Amigos… I can’t remember the detailed individual statuses and am too busy to go read the post. They were something like borderline hysterical gold, attractive silver and bouncing (but not yet bullish) copper. So here’s today’s update...
City One: Debtapolis: In this fictional world a financial genius and his offspring executed a brilliant plan over several centuries. The government authorized his bank to create and print paper money, backed by gold or silver.
August Gold pulled a Pearl Harbor on bears and skeptics Tuesday, reversing early morning weakness with a surprisingly sharp rally. I’d expected another two weeks of corrective action myself after bullion’s impressive run-up in June.
– Some gold buyers and investors in online gold platforms are “having difficulty getting their gold … and their cash” – “Hearing more and more unfortunate stories and I will not mention names” – Jim Willie
July 2, 2019
Donald and Xi have confirmed their true and everlasting friendship now. Trade wars are over, it’s all rainbows and unicorns - and investors do not need safe havens anymore. Right? The celebratory mood feels great but let’s find out what the trade truce really means...
Major fundamental processes and events create the large chart patterns seen on the monthly charts. It’s important for gold and stock market investors to stay focused on the big picture, both technically and fundamentally.
Recently, the Winklevoss twins (who founded the Gemini crypto exchange) coined Bitcoin as ‘Gold 2.0.’ To support their perspective, they cited Bitcoin’s scarcity, its fungibility and its portability as meeting or exceeding that of the yellow metal.
This past weekend was full of exciting news and information. Combine this with the strong US economic activity, the potential for some type of reprieve in the US/China trade issues and the historic meeting in North Korea between President Trump and Kim Jun Un, and...
July 1, 2019
Last week, we discussed the fundamental flaw in GDP. GDP is a perfect tool for central planning tools. But for measuring the economy, not so much. This is because it looks only at cash revenues. It does not look at the balance sheet.