I have tried to explain this concept many times before but never had a chart to do it with. Please note the start date of the chart is 1971, this is not by any coincidence as that was the year the U.S. dollar became fully fiat and backed by nothing but "faith".
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
May 2, 2018
As some of you may know me by now, I run a trading room with over 3500 traders, have over 450 money manager clients, have over 23,000 followers on Seeking Alpha, and have the 6th largest service out of the 169 that are offered in the Seeking Alpha Marketplace (even...
Some big investors see warning signs ahead for markets but are holding their positions. Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris is taking action: He’s put half of his $5.7 billion net worth into gold.
May 1, 2018
Much has been written in many places about the long-term suppression of the price of gold that had probably been going on with no interruption since the time of the London Gold Pool in the 1960s except, perhaps, with a break after the dollar was taken off the gold...
A time-tested mantra for the US stock market is, “Sell in May and go away.” The depth of a stock market sell-off that begins in May depends on where the United States economy sits in the business cycle. In the early stages of the cycle, sell-offs that begin in May...
Alchemists are precious metals experts, aren’t they? So let’s see what we can learn from the latest issue of the Alchemist, the LBMA’s quarterly journal.
The problem with debt is the creditor expects to be repaid. Sovereign debt will be “rolled over,” never extinguished, and repaid with new debt. We delude ourselves and pretend total debt will increase forever (it can’t). That explains global debt exceeding $230...
To start off, I find it astounding that of all the ways that dictionaries might cite the usage of the word “shenanigans”, they elected to discuss it in its context to the financial industry and how shenanigans have “ruined the fortunes of many”. To wit, as we move...
Sales of U.S. Mint American Eagle gold coins dropped to their weakest April since 2007, while silver coin purchases for the month rose 10 percent higher than last year, U.S. government data showed on Monday.
April 30, 2018
The best performing metal this week was gold, down 0.92 percent. This week was fairly negative for gold as the dollar held strong and the 10-year Treasury yield reached its highest since 2014 to 3 percent. A new use of blockchain technology will allow jewelers to...
As the market continues to whipsaw market participants, it has certainly left many of you scratching your head.
With gold testing its 200 day moving average this morning I thought I’d reproduce the first part of the precious metals segment from week’s Notes From the Rabbit Hole (NFTRH 497), including a daily chart of gold at the end showing the anticipated SMA 200 test.
A reader asked us this week about the personal savings rate. Most people can sense that something is wrong if the rate is in a long-term falling trend, or if it falls too low (whatever level that may be). We argue that falling savings is part of the larger process...
The USD Index is one of the main drivers of the gold price and it’s quite obvious – no asset can move independently from the currency that it’s priced in. If gold’s value (compared to the value of other things) doesn’t change, then if the value of the USD declines,...
When it comes to what happens during the next major market correction-crash, we can count on that “this time will be different” for the gold and silver prices. While many precious metals investors believe that gold and silver will crash along with the broader...
Economists have been struggling to explain how unemployment can fall to 4% without wages starting to accelerate. The following chart shows paychecks rising at about the rate of inflation over the past five years, which means the average worker’s earnings don’t buy...
Gold continues to build towards a breakout from a major base pattern, a giant Head-and-Shoulders bottom that we can see to advantage on its latest 10-year chart below. At present it is battling the headwinds of a dollar rally, but a dollar rally won’t stop it,...
In this article, we are going to explain and show you an interesting pattern that has been slowly forming over the past year in the precious metals sector. This pattern along with our analysis point to a significant rally to start in the next 4 months for gold,...
April 29, 2018
Not exactly the most cheery way to transit toward the month of May. For as we look above at Gold's comparative weekly tracks -- 2018 in gold, 2017 in White and 2016 in Grey -- the past years' like weeks have brought dismay into May. Not that seasonality has to...
April 28, 2018
The stock market saw some action this week. On Tuesday the Dow Jones moved over 3% intraday, but closed only -1.74% from Monday’s closing price, so I didn’t count Tuesday as a day of extreme volatility. Other than that, it was a fairly boring week, with the Dow...
Gold’s recent woes have been inversely tied to the latest reversal of fortune for the greenback. As I’ll explain in today’s report, the strengthening dollar is in part a result of rising Treasury bond yields but may also be part of a growing realization that the U.S...
Gold behaves like a currency. This has extremely important consequence: gold cannot be valued like assets which generate cash flows or even as commodities whose value can be at least estimated looking at the balance of demand and supply. Does it mean that gold is a...
If trade wars and actual shooting wars (Syria, Yemen) weren't enough for the world economy to worry about, pressuring stock markets and threatening to derail robust global economic growth, there is another elephant in the room looking to stomp on traders, investors...
The U.S. dollar has been on the rise in April – could it be breaking out? Mike Matousek, head trader at U.S. Global Investors, explains the dollar’s recent positive price action and how investors might participate. He also explains how the dollar and gold have...
Our proprietary cycle indicator is up. Gold sector is on major buy signal since early 2016. Major signals can last for months and years and are more suitable for long-term investors.
April 27, 2018
It is my privilege now to be joined by a man who needs little introduction, Marc Faber, editor of The Gloom, Boom and Doom Report. Dr. Faber has been a long-time guest on financial shows throughout the world, and is a well-known Austrian economist and investment...
Here are today's videos and charts.
The gold miners’ stocks have mostly been consolidating low this year, exacerbating bearish sentiment. Even with gold grinding higher in a solid uptrend and nearing a major upside breakout, the gold stocks just can’t get any love. But that may be about to change,...
The U.S. gold exports to Hong Kong surged in February consuming nearly all of the domestic gold mine supply. According to the USGS recent Gold Mineral Industry Survey, February gold exports to Hong Kong more than doubled compared to the prior month. This was an...
Today I want to look at gold and the large gold miners. I’ll consider the relative performance of the two and ask: which is the better investment? Gold miners: maximising risk, while minimising reward