It’s been a heck of a run. The S&P has nearly quadrupled since its 2009 low. It currently ranks as the second-longest bull market in the last 140 years (top green bar).
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
November 21, 2017
This weekend saw bitcoin shoot up over $8,000 and Bloomberg covered how some preppers were turning to bitcoin over gold. Does this mean it’s all over for gold? Is it set to be supplanted as a safe haven by crypto currencies?
November 20, 2017
December Gold did something last Friday that it hasn’t done in a long while, exceeding two Hidden Pivot targets on the hourly chart without correcting. One was minor, the other middling, but the implication is that the uptrend is a good bet to continue into next...
Sound money advocates who love the concept of cryptocurrencies but don’t want to abandon precious metals have been trying to clarify their thoughts of late. Risk Hedge just helped, with a comprehensive statement of the pro-gold position. The following is an excerpt...
Let’s take a look at an often-repeated idea that is popular in the gold and alternative investing communities. The government possesses a printing press. Therefore, it will never default. It will just inflate its way out of the debt. It will devalue the dollar.
The best performing precious metal for the week was silver, up 2.53 percent. It has lagged behind the other precious metals this year and speculators have raised their net long position this week. Gold bounced back positively after several attempts to knock down the...
Yikes! $450.3 million for Leonardo da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi” sold on Wednesday night at Christie’s auction, shattering the high for any work of art sold at auction. It far surpassed Picasso’s “Women of Algiers” which fetched $179.4 million at Christie’s in May...
November 19, 2017
Gold appeared to break out on Friday, but the situation is contradictory because on its price charts it appears to be in position to begin another upleg within an uptrend, but its COTs are still neutral / bearish at best, and don’t appear to allow much room for a...
It is unclear if SPX has concluded its correction from the 2597 level and is now ready for the final up-phase of the rally. A fairly important – but still minor – cycle low is only a week away and this could extend the correction.
Through Thursday of this past week, gold for all the world was yet again reprising its rendition of "Nowhere Man"--(The BeaTles, '65), apparently en route to a fourth consecutive weekly net change of less than 10 points.
November 18, 2017
Our proprietary cycle indicator is down. Gold sector is on major buy signal since early 2016. Major signals can last for months and years and are more suitable for long-term investors.
This was going to be part of an NFTRH update, but I decided to make it public, as we’ll have plenty of other information to work on this weekend in NFTRH 474 after such an eventful market week.
November 17, 2017
Here are today's videos and charts.
The gold miners’ stocks have spent months adrift, cast off in the long shadow of the Trumphoria stock-market rally. This vexing consolidation has left a wasteland of popular bearishness. But once a quarter earnings season arrives, bright fundamental sunlight...
Much of our financial world functions as a “Rob from the Middle Class” economy. The system robs from the middle class and poor via “money printing” and inflation of the currency supply! The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Just like many of his other campaign promises, Trump isn’t doing a great job of draining the swamp. His nominee for Fed Chair is Jerome Powell. Powell is a ‘swamp critter extraordinaire’ so declared by Bill Bonner last week. We’re inclined to agree. Name-calling is...
November 16, 2017
It’s hard to imagine the news getting much sunnier than it was for the earnings cycle just reported. What will Amazon, Apple, Google and the other FANG stocks do for an encore? More to the point, what will they do for the next three months? At these very high...
Elliott Wave International recently put together a chart (click here or on the chart to watch the accompanying video) that illustrates a recurring theme of financial bubbles: When good times have gone on for a sufficiently long time, people forget that it can be any...
A military coup-de-grace in Zimbabwe and a bankrupt Venezuela. Both countries have extreme hyperinflation, citizens are starving and basic medical treatment is near impossible to find. These are the real world problems 47.5 million people are currently facing....
November 15, 2017
Gold and silver mining stocks have been underperforming bullion for several months. The oversold readings on October 26th/27th provided the opportunity for a change. However, while bullion managed to rally from a test of the September lows, the miners could not even...
The long heralded UK debt crisis is here and data released in the U.K. this week clearly shows this. This is seen in UK retail sales and consumer spending which plunged in October, employment falling, pay stagnant and inflation ticking higher as sterling remains...
November 14, 2017
It may be frustrating to watch the gold price remain dormant as stock markets continue to push higher. But while cryptos and President Trump grab a lot of the headlines, you might be surprised to know there are significant forces behind the scenes that signal the...
Without growth in Western gold ETF holdings, the “decent but not spectacular” demand from China and India is not strong enough to move the gold price higher.
Zero is an important number in the psychology driving demand for bullion. There are periods when investors find the argument that gold or silver prices “will never go to zero” compelling.
This is my favorite time within any Cycle. Mostly because it’s one of three points within an Investor Cycle where the probability of getting it right is as favorable as it will ever be. If played correctly, it’s also the type of setup where your portfolio can be...
The Bank for International Settlements today refused to answer questions from the Gold Anti-Trust Anti-Trust Action Committee about the bank's activity in the gold market.
It is the ‘opinion of the European Central Bank’ that the deposit protection scheme is no longer necessary: ‘covered deposits and claims under investor compensation schemes should be replaced by limited discretionary exemptions to be granted by the competent...
November 13, 2017
A new bond issue from Chicago is rated AAA. That’s great because it means the city’s finances are on the mend, right? Nope, just the opposite. Here’s the story: Bondholders fret as alchemy turns Chicago’s junk to gold
Over the past few weeks, we have looked at the effects of falling interest rates: falling discount applied to future cash flows (and hence rising stock and bond prices), and especially falling marginal productivity of debt (MPoD). Falling MPoD means that we get less...
They finally did it. Since 2008, Central Banks have been desperately trying to generate inflation. They know they cannot produce growth (hence why both the Fed and the ECB abandoned this as a goal in their statements back in 2013)… so they have chosen to “target”...