One can hardly read the financial press these days without being deluged with exuberant praise for the wonders of the technologically-based "New Economy." Technology, being the backbone of the modern U.S.
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
April 13, 2000
April 12, 2000
The Irrational Economist
To: Paul Krugman, NYTimes
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: The Crazy Stock Market
April 12, 2000
"Blue Skies" was the most popular song in 1929 - all across the land, but especially in Wall Street.
April 10, 2000
We're said to be in a culture war, characterized, among other things, by an assault upon traditional values. That is clearly exemplified by our use, or misuse, of language.
It started to look like October 1929 all over again in the equities markets this past Tuesday. Stocks were falling like rocks tossed off the Empire State building. It really was beginning to look like doomsday! Then, like clockwork, it happened again!
HERE'S THE standard put-down of gurus who have been saying for years that the bull market is about to end: Even a broken clock is right two times a day.
Treasury Bulletin ( contains the Exchange Stabilization Fund's balance sheet and profit and loss statement for the q
April 8, 2000
You have to admire the organized reassurance effort underway in the media. CBS' MarketWatch highlights the NASDAQ's implosion and then recovery yesterday as "NASDAQ gets its Sea Legs." Sea Legs? No.
[Ed. Note: Following is part 4 of a 5-part installment series on Robert T. Patterson's classic work, "The Great Boom and Panic," which examines the stock market crash of 1929, and its application to today's trading environment.]
April 7, 2000
Remember the Plunge Protection Team? That was a rumored Washington "financial rescue" working group, about which everyone has been very secretive since the first musing about such a structure for potential intervention were first surfa
April 4, 2000
The Grand Democratic Experiment is over in Russia. It has been deliberately ended in abject failure with the election of the KGB monster Putin. Mr.
We and others have been watching the Office of the comptroller of the Currency Quarterly Derivatives report with great fascination!!
My last few articles have generated much greater volumes of e-mail than usual. The vast majority have gone unanswered by me. Invariably, I am asked which mining stocks should be bought, based on their hedge position.
April 3, 2000
It was a tumultuous week in the financial markets. With credit spreads again widening sharply, all indications continue to point toward a serious financial system dislocation.
Those articles showed that there was a distinct pattern in the trading of spot gold in each 24-hour trading cycle.
April 2, 2000
In a personal letter dated January 19, 2000, to Senator Joseph Lieberman (Dem., Conn.), Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan responded on behalf of the Fed to questions raised by GATA in an ad placed in Roll Call, the Congressional weekly newspaper, on
March 31, 2000
[Ed. Note: Following is Part 3 of a multi-part installment series on Robert T. Patterson's classic work, "The Great Boom and Panic," which examines the stock market crash of 1929, and its application to today's trading environment.]
March 30, 2000
A return of "bipolar" market behavior . . . has been evident for several days before this recent spate of selling in the NASDAQ market.
March 27, 2000
EXTREME MARKET VOLATILITY SOMETHING IS TERRIBLY WRONG! Has the fed created a classic moral hazard?
I write in order to bring to your attention a scandal of very large proportions involving the misuse of the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) by the United States Treasury Department.
Editor's Note: The author cites various Internet sources to corroborate his assertions, observations and conclusions. These are noted within the text as a Link number. However, the actual link locations are listed at end of the article.
March 24, 2000
Name of module:
Pricking bubbles 102
Consecutive all-time high closes . .
When analyzing a commodity, we must look at both production and consumption. In my last piece, I highlighted the danger to mining companies who are hedged more than one year's worth of silver production.
March 22, 2000
It seems unanimous: the economy is booming. Presidential candidates allude to it in condemning their opponents for not proposing more spending for education, or housing, or whatever pleases their current listeners.
Executive Summary
March 20, 2000
For the first time in several years the two tiered nature of the market is opening a wider choice of investment opportunities for long-term value investors. Prices for technology and other "new era" companies continue to rally to more speculative levels.
If I hear it again, I'll get a megaphone and broadcast it myself right on Wall Street. Or, maybe not Wall Street--those guys probably already know.
Last week's running of the bulls on Wall Street brought a slew of letters, a few from Examiner readers eager to rub my nose in it.