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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


January 2, 2020

I’m growing more confident that we’re on the cusp of a big move higher in the precious metals sector because of the Fed’s massive money printing. Also, because the money printing and near zero interest rates are visibly not stimulating economic growth, we’re at the...

The King is dead, long live the King - 2019 is over, long live the 2020! As tumultuous as they have been, what have we learned about the gold market in the past twelve months? And what can we glean from this knowledge for the times ahead?

December 31, 2019

As a student of market history, I always find it interesting, and even sometimes quite comical, how certain fallacies about markets are continually propagated by investors and analysts alike. Throughout my career in writing about metals, I have tried to bring many...

The US stock market has recently rallied throughout most of the last year after the very deep downside price rotation in late 2018.  Our researchers believe there is a very high likelihood of this trend continuing in early 2020, yet we would need to see confirmation...

I predicted gold would bottom in mid-November and it did.The fabulous daily gold chart. A lot of amateur gold investors have missed this rally.That’s partly because they thought the “smart money” was shorting a lot of gold on the COMEX.

In this important discussion between Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Asset Management and Grant Williams of Real Vision TV, they talk about the fake prosperity we live in, facilitated by negative interest rates as well as endless money printing and the dire...

Like a phoenix from the ashes, the euro has risen recently – and quite sharply so. Does it portend more strength ahead, or what exactly can we expect ahead? The answer features our game plan for the scenario ahead...

December 30, 2019

With just one, holiday-shortened day to go, it appears that Comex gold and silver will actually finish 2019 with "the best annual gains since 2010". That was a bold forecast when we made it back in January. That it has turned out correct brings more relief than...

The best performing metal this week was platinum, up 3.85 percent, with silver and palladium just trailing. Gold traders and analysts were overwhelmingly bullish on their outlook for the yellow metal in the weekly Bloomberg survey.

Over the moderately quiet 2019 Christmas holiday season, while the US and global stock markets continue to push higher, precious metals and miners have begun to move dramatically higher as fear settles into the markets.  Our researchers believe this upside move in...

We have spilled barrels of electronic ink, making the point that central banks are wreaking havoc. They hurt the poor, the middle class, and the rich. They hurt the wage earners, the business owners, the investors (aka the “rentiers”), and the pensioners.

Breaking news: Silver briefly reached $18.00 and closed at $17.85. The DOW rose again to 28,645. Inflation, Deflation, Stagflation, and Hyperinflation? So What?

After by-passing the 3180 mark, SPX has now reached 3240 which is a better bet for at least a pause in the uptrend from 2856; even if we do not get an intermediate reversal right away. I would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous new year

December 29, 2019

Gold is now a major bullmarket as evidenced by its strong breakout from a giant 6-year long base pattern in August. The larger trend is up. We had thought that it might react back closer to the breakout point before turning higher again, but it didn’t, and started...

What a wonderful week for Gold! In settling yesterday (Friday) at 1516, 'twas Gold's best week by both percentage (+2.2%) and points (+33) since than ending 09 August. And it brought with it a terrific trifecta! Here we go!

December 28, 2019

Gold sector is on major buy signal. GLD is on short-term buy signal. GDX is on short-term buy signal. is on short-term buy signal. GDXJ is on short-term buy signal.

December 27, 2019

Here are today's videos and charts.  The videos are viewable on mobile phones as well as computers.

The US stock markets soared in 2019, blasting to dozens of new all-time-record highs.  Euphoric traders attributed these massive gains to strong corporate fundamentals and US-China trade-war progress.  But the real driver of stocks’ astounding ascent was the Federal...

Originally published on Sat Dec 21 for members of   When the metals are in a bear market, metals enthusiasts are frustrated.  And, even when the metals are in a bull market, metals enthusiast become frustrated.  This is what I have been seeing...

Last week, the House voted to impeach Donald Trump. This is the third time in the U.S. history such an event has happened to the sitting President. What does it imply for the gold market?

Precious metals investors may be getting an unexpected Christmas present this year, beginning with the sudden $25 jump in gold on Tuesday and Wednesday. From what I’m hearing, a shortage of physically deliverable gold is developing in London. In fact, Alasdair...

December 26, 2019

“Many Christmases ago I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him I realized there had to be another way!” This year markets are going another way.

There is evidence that US Treasury bond yields may continue to rise, exposing the debt trap in which the US government finds itself. Market participants don’t realise it yet, but the dollar-based monetary system is spinning out of control. This will become obvious...

December 24, 2019

The flood of obituaries that noted the passing of Paul Volcker (1927–2019) last week have almost all lauded his achievement as Fed chair (1979–1987) in reining in the double-digit inflation that ravaged the US economy during the 1970s.

What a classic day Friday was! gold moved a bit lower, miners moved significantly lower, and silver rallied. Truly classic and outstanding performance if one enjoys seeing topping patterns that are playing out according to their usual and likely characteristics. And...

This little monster that feeds beneath the surface of global banking at its core briefly raised one ugly eye out of the water as 2018 turned into 2019. I wrote back then that the interest spike we saw in the kind of overnight interbank lending known as repurchase...

Last week the markets went “risk on” following positive economic data releases. Will the coming holiday week bring some interesting news events? Let’s take a look at the details.

The week behind

December 23, 2019

Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) was considered “extraordinary” when central bankers rolled that out roughly ten years ago. At that time, people would still have laughed at the idea of negative interest rates. Lenders didn’t pay borrowers and nobody paid their bank...

Mattress stuffers or bullion holders? Who fares better in a crisis? North American investors are divided between those who believe the decade-long stock market bull is going to keep running into the 2020s, and investors who, wary of something terrible happening, are...

Even though the topic and the main goal of today’s article is to describe what is likely to happen on the gold market, we will start it with a chart featuring something else – it’s sister metal – silver. The reason is that the triangle-vertex-based reversal points...

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