Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


September 2, 2018

Two-thirds of the calendar year are gone. What else is gone? gold. Gone down. Gone bad. Gone to hell in a hand basket. Gone to begging for handouts into said basket. As is Sister Silver: "She's gone ... oh I, oh I'd ... better learn how to face it"--(Hall &...

Venezuela used to be a relatively rich country. Today, it has a nominal GDP around $100 Billion, a population around 32 million, a labor force of 14 million, and unemployment over 30%. GDP fell last year by 14%, and inflation is so high that official statistic are ...

September 1, 2018

Our proprietary cycle indicator is way down. Gold sector is now on a major sell signal. Speculation is now at net short for the first time since 2001.

Money Managers (“Funds”) continue to cut longs and add shorts, while gold remains oversold technically and over-bearish from a sentiment perspective. This has been the situation since May, and yet gold continued to fall. I see this as a massive build-up of fuel for...

August 31, 2018

Here are today's videos and charts.

Rick’s Picks will always be a good place to visit if you’re a gold bull in need of a reality check. I promise to call ’em as I see ’em, relying solely on charts, rather than on something as pathetic and sentimental as “feelings,” to guide my forecasts. Right now,...

This week, as investors and economists fixate on record highs set by major stock market indices, they have ignored much more significant developments that emerged from the Federal Reserve's annual meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell...

On the one hand you have the sons of Harvey & Erb, who called gold to $800/oz. and caused a stir in the gold “community”. Per Campbell Harvey in this video with Kitco’s Daniella (dig the flowing golden locks of hair)…

Life is good. They could not have imagined what we have…back in the dark ages. So I have never understood why people prep for a return to the dark ages. The only thing I can think of is that they don’t really picture what life is like. 14 hours a day of back-...

Here is our weekly digest of the important news, market updates, charts and videos we covered this week.

After a vicious selloff precious metals have stabilized. It’s not a surprise given the breadth and sentiment extremes we noted and had predicted earlier. Although recent gains have met some resistance, the immediate path of least resistance should be higher. Let’s...

August 30, 2018

Emerging market chaos is now front page news. Let’s start with Argentina, where the peso has resumed its plunge:

We appear to be at a turning point not only for the dollar, but for all commodity markets, including precious metals, as well. The dollar has yet to reflect properly the enormous monetary expansion of recent years, and commodities will be corralled into supplying...

How will Iran, Russia, and Turkey react to the plethora of financial sanctions being placed on them by the United States?  Well, they will do what anyone being beaten with a stick would do: they will try to escape.

We are getting very close to what I believe is the final confirmation of the coming multi-year gold bull market. Although it is very clear that gold is going higher from around these levels, a move pass the $1375 area would be that final confirmation, based on the...

There is a tide in the affairs of men... Thus, begins one of the most famous quotes ever uttered, taken from Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar. Brutus, talking to Cassius, says, "There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune...

August 29, 2018

This chart is courtesy Real Investment and borrowed from a recent article: ‘Wicksell’s Elegant Model’. The brown areas in the chart highlight the periods when ‘real rates’ were and are negative. Gold tends to perform best during those periods.

This week, we welcome back to the podcast Brien Lundin, publisher of Gold Newsletter and producer of the New Orleans Investment Conference (Nov 1-4, 2018). FYI: both Chris and I will be speaking there again this year.

To understand why Europe is watching Turkey’s financial crisis with alarm, you just have to see this chart:

Inflation results from policies implemented by governments, commercial banks and central banks. A FEW CONSEQUENCES: More currency placed into circulation devalues all currency units. We can thank fractional reserve banking, deficit spending and QE.

– Currency has become worthless in Venezuela’s hyperinflation. – Venezuela was once one of the wealthiest countries in South America. – Currency collapse due to massive currency “printing,” digital currency creation and misguided socialist government. – Toilet paper...

August 28, 2018

As the U.S. increases its use of the dollar reserve system as a weapon in its trade wars, the rest of the world responds by accelerating its movement away from dollar hegemony.

Investment advisor Jayant Bhandari, in this conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, discusses recent moves in the U.S. dollar, the role of gold, and several arbitrage opportunities he sees.

Feeling the psychological effects of a four-and-a-half month decline in gold and silver prices, I decided in July to refrain from trying to fight the forces of intervention and suppression for the balance of the summer and instead try to focus on companies that...

After a screaming January to start 2018, it's been six consecutive months of pain across the mining industry. The catalyst for this has largely been fear that the Trump tariff tantrum will derail global GDP growth, coupled with fears that the U.S. dollar is set to...

Gold’s impressive rally continues to accelerate. Key fundamental and technical price drivers are playing a bullish song with almost perfect harmony.

Could it be that because investing is not an exact science, we are easily misled? Traditional investing is governed by diligent research, skilled analysis and the prudent application of the fundamental and technical analysis. On the other hand, contrarian or...

Gold prices briefly traded above $1200 on Wednesday due to the legal and political troubles facing Donald Trump following the Paul Manafort guilty verdict on Tuesday. Kitco’s Jim Wykoff reports:

If we go back to the last big market correction, the precious metals didn’t fall, they soared.  There were several reasons the gold and silver prices disconnected from the broader markets at the beginning of 2016.

The World Gold Council (WGC) has apparently speeded up its publishing. They have issued a few interesting pieces recently. In this edition of the Gold News Monitor, we discuss them.

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