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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


June 20, 2017

Stocks continue to trade at nosebleed valuations. According to Fact Set, the S&P500 is currently trading at a P/E of 21. This is well above its 10-year average of 16.7. And bear in mind, eight of those ten years (from 2010-2017) were when stocks were already...

The stock market is due for a sudden air pocket, likely from Tuesday to Thursday this week. My downside target is 2398 +/-. We are due for the 10 week low from April 13, 2017.  The SPX is making an irregular abc type (y) wave top that is not being confirmed by...

Last month I told you about the upcoming rebalance of the hugely popular VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF (GDXJ), and how it would distress shares of junior, small-cap mining stocks. I said then that the rebalance could create some excellent opportunities for...

June 19, 2017

PIMCO (Pacific Investment Management Company) is the largest American-based, private investment company focused on bonds. As of its last filing, it had over $1.51 trillion in assets under management—that is significant, and the man who founded the company, Bill...

The best performing precious metal for the week was gold, off just 1.02 percent despite a Fed rate hike.  The Fed may not be in a position to continue with multiple rate hikes. Mike McGlone, BI Commodity Strategist, points out the current situation that both crude...

Raise the Inflation Target and Put a Date on It! That’s the direction some high-profile economist and former members on the FOMC want to go. According to these academics, including Narayana Kocherlakota the former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis...

While investors pile into Tech Stocks based on endless promotion from the financial media, the US economy is rolling over. Last week the NY Fed downgraded its economic forecast for 2Q17 to just 1.9%. Even worse, it is now forecasting 2017 total growth to be a measly...

Safe-haven assets always have a place in the financial markets. Investors are constantly on the lookout for ways to shore up their financial portfolios. This is particularly true during times of geopolitical uncertainty, and increasing volatility.

The target for TLT continues to be around 129. Treasury bonds are in bull trends (remember back a few months ago to all the bond hatred in the media). How does an eventual decline in bonds square with what we just noted above regarding Q4 2008? [work done in the...

Gold was down after the Fed’s hike, but I expect it to start heading higher again. Too many powerful forces are driving it behind the scenes. Dwindling physical supply is a major one.

The big news this week comes from the Fed, which announced two things. One, it hiked the Fed Funds rate another 25 basis points. The target is now 1.00 to 1.25%, and there will be further increases this year. Two, the Fed plans to reduce its balance sheet, its...

June 18, 2017

Unlike regular investors, billionaire money managers like Ray Dalio and Stan Druckenmiller are professional investors. They have entire institutional teams at their disposal, dive deep into the nuances and complexities of the market, and spend every waking moment of...

Compared to the impressive 300km+ velocity of the Train à Grande Vitesse, which today whisked us from Avignon to Nice, Gold's track this past week was akin to the far lower speed local rail extension across the additional 20-or-so kilometers eastward that finds us...

Although SPX was more affected than the Dow (which closed at a new high on Friday) by the tech correction it, too, is expected to continue its uptrend for a while longer.  I believe that the 20-wk cycle, due to bottom in August, will put an end to the rally from...

The latest Commitment of Traders ((NYSE:COT)) report predictably showed a week of speculators selling gold positions and initiating speculative shorts. Though despite the large gold drop on the COT week (2.4%), the speculative change on the week was relatively minor...

June 17, 2017

Last Friday’s, June 9th, 2017, decline of the tech sector continued into Monday, June 12th, 2017.  I expect the NDX to test the range, as illustrated within the red box in the below chart, before continuing higher, but not closing below the red box.

A wild week for stocks as the tech dump lasted more than a day. We’ve stabilized…but charts are showing more downside to come for the Nasdaq in particular. The metals did poorly and continued to slide lower with the sole exception of palladium, which continues to...

Long-term – on major buy signal. Short-term – on mixed signals. Gold sector cycle is down. A major consolidation is in progress and now near completion. We are holding some positions for long-term gains.

June 16, 2017

One of the most important economic debate today is whether the economy will experience reflation or deflation (or low inflation) in the upcoming months. Has the recent reflation been only a temporary jump? Or has it marked the beginning of a new trend? Is the global...

Gold’s ups and downs have grown increasingly tiresome, largely because the rallies are so disappointing and the setbacks so punitive. But look at the bright side: If bullion can hold its own at a time when institutional investors continue to shun it, just think how...

Gold reversed sharply lower after the Fed’s latest rate hike this week, on heavy selling from speculators and investors alike.  Bearish sentiment flared on traders’ long-held belief that higher rates spell trouble for zero-yielding gold.  But market history reveals...

June 15, 2017

The 19th century belonged to the United Kingdom, the 20th century to the United States. Many market experts and analysts now speculate that the 21st century will be remembered as the “Asian Century,” dominated by rising superpowers such as Indonesia, India and China...

Yes, traumatic market events (falling rocks) occur, even though markets are “managed,” statistics are manipulated, and politicians pretend to care about something besides their next election.

Earlier this week Shelley Goldberg , commodities strategist for Roubini Global Economics wrote  about how gold was set to disappoint the ‘gold bulls – again.’ Goldberg argued that we should ‘throw out all the fancy analysis and realize that gold is an emotional...

Here are reflections on the state of the stock and bond markets and their effect on the gold market. These missives that I construct periodically usually have as their genesis a "Eureka!" moment while reading a research piece or a written commentary from one of the...

Could your wealth be hacked? It’s a threat most investors overlook. But they do so at their own peril. If elections can be hacked, then so can bank and brokerage accounts, as well as any online platforms for digital currencies.

June 14, 2017

I see just about everyone has their own theory or trading discipline on where the US dollar is headed next. It’s all these different ideas that make the markets work. Everyone can’t be bullish at the bottom or bearish at the top, it’s just the way it has to be.

GoToday –New York closed at $1,268.60 yesterday after closing at $1,268.90 Monday. London opened at $1,267.24 today. Overall the dollar was slightly weaker against global currencies, early today. Before London’s opening:

June 13, 2017

The technical damage to the stock market has been severe. Since the start of 2017, nearly half of all market gains are coming from just five large Tech stocks.

The next US central bank interest rate announcement is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.  Gold and related assets are now in “pause mode” against most fiat currencies. Gold has a rough general tendency to decline ahead of a rate hike, and then rally strongly after a...

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