Inflation is coming. In fact, inflation rose at the fastest pace in four years during January. Consumer prices surged 0.6% in January from December, double the consensus forecast of a 0.3% rise. This marks the sharpest monthly increase since February 2013, according...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
February 16, 2017
Too much has been written what Mr. Trump can or can't do. In his first days in office he ambitiously reshaped trade, healthcare, immigration and American law. Dodd Frank is next to be scrapped. And in disturbing everyone, the only certainty is uncertainty.
It was Karl Marx who was among the first believers that cyclical behaviour was endemic to free markets. He lived through a time when there was a regular cycle of boom and bust, with phases of economic expansion followed by contraction. Workers were employed and then...
On Monday I had the opportunity to attend a conference at Goldman Sachs’ Dallas office. Among the dozens of money managers and investors who attended, a combined $1 trillion in assets was represented. The speakers were numerous, from famed economist Jan Hatzius,...
The Gold Trade Note is gradually coming into view, its form within structured contracts is taking shape as components. the Petro-Dollar has almost completely vanished. The Petro-Yuan is essentially here in its infancy, in rudimentary form. the leap to the Gold Trade...
For the third time in a decade fund managers surveyed by Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) believe that gold is undervalued. After the last two occasions the price of gold shot up.
February 15, 2017
The United States Treasury Department has supported a strong dollar policy since its inception in 1789. Period. There were no qualifications or equivocations with that stance, especially since the ascendance of the dollar as the world's reserve currency. That's why...
Buyers exceeded my 2333.75 minimum upside objective by a decisive four points on Tuesday, meaning it’s time to raise our sights. We need only slide down to a new point ‘A’ — in this case, a 2177.00 low recorded on December 5 (see inset) — to produce a fresh target...
The chart displayed near the end of this discussion is effectively a pictorial representation of what Keynesian economists call a paradox* (“Gibson’s Paradox”) and Austrian economists call a natural and perfectly understandable relationship.
NOTHING is certain or guaranteed in Markets….ever. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a charlatan. That said, within Bressert’s Cycle framework the norm is that a new Intermediate Cycle in any asset should test or breach the Intermediate Cycle downtrend before...
The consensus view in the precious metals sector is that we have embarked on the next great bull market in gold and silver. The story is gold and the entire mining sector bottomed in early 2016 and launched into its first leg up into early August. The sector then...
February 14, 2017
But in 1890 Mary Elizabeth Lease wrote, “Wall Street Owns the Country.” "This is a nation of inconsistencies. The Puritans fleeing from oppression became oppressors. We fought England for our liberty and put chains on four million of blacks. We wiped out slavery and...
The world’s ultimate asset, gold bullion, continues to act superbly. That’s because fundamental, cyclical, and technical price drivers are very positive and are in play at the same time.
I want to own more gold and silver. In a wide ranging interview with MacroVoices’ Erik Townsend, legendary investor Jim Rogers, co-founder of Quantum Fund with fellow investor George Soros, has said that he wants to own more gold and silver and will continue to...
Banksters and others with a stake in the euro shouldn’t get their hopes too high, since the long-term charts point unambiguously to a target just below 82 cents (see inset). There will be rallies, of course, since sellers are piling onto this no-brainer trade in...
When did the distortion start occurring in the markets when increasing UNCERTAINTY can come with an increase in COMPLACENCY and SENTIMENT?
February 13, 2017
The global war on cash rolls on. The cabal of bankers seeking more transaction fees, busybody political leaders, and central bankers who want to experiment with negative interest rates recently threw India into turmoil by eliminating the two largest denomination...
You’d think that by now every relevant measure of stock market overvaluation would have been converted into a chart and circulated throughout the blogosphere. But Zero Hedge has come up with a new one depicting how long the typical wage slave has to work to buy the...
As Winter Storm Niko blanketed the Northeast in snow last week, disrupting scores of flights in the U.S., airline executives convened in Washington to talk shop with President Donald Trump.
One aspect of the precious metals market today that I like is the Gold/Silver Ratio. It appears to have topped, right along with the 2016 gold bottom, and for all gold bull followers out there this is certainly a welcomed development. Precious metals bear markets...
David McWilliams, economist, writer and journalist, has warned that the coming French election may lead to the euro breaking up and that Ireland should have a ‘plan B’ and ‘print punts’ in order to be ready for the collapse of the “single currency.”
Today I would like to update the US dollar as its been testing critical support since breaking out from the nearly two year horizontal trading range in early November of last year. The daily line chart shows there was a nice clean backtest about a month later to the...
February 12, 2017
After Monday’s sharp drop, SPX held at an important short-term support level and rallied after the jobs report came out on Friday. This move is essentially a test of the high, but it could expand into more distribution which could even see new...
Surprises In a bull market come to the upside. Hence, it’s never advisable to lose one’s core position. This rally isn’t going to top until sentiment gets excessively bullish. Right now sentiment is dead neutral. Consequently, it will take 5-10 more weeks before...
Sometimes we get lucky. Four weeks back when Gold's parabolic weekly trend flipped from Short to Long, we penned on 14 January "Gold Seeking 1240 on this Up Run". Done: Gold reached this past Wednesday as high as 1246 to hover up in the 1240s-glow for some 24 hours...
This week ended with the Dow Jones once again closing a new all-time high. Moreover as we see below, the Dow Jones and its step sum are forming a bull box. I don’t take divergences in an index to its step sum seriously until they’ve aged for two months or so. But...
February 11, 2017
Another great week for stocks. Just superb action as the bull market continues. The metals have been acting pretty strong as well. However, they did show weakness into the end of the week, which suggests to me more time and basing action is needed. Nonetheless,...
Gold sector is on a major buy signal and short-term is on buy signal. Cycle is up. Silver is on a long-term buy signal. Short-term is on buy signal. Silver is more volatile than gold, manage your risk.
February 10, 2017
Here are today's videos and charts.
Buy high and sell low is the mantra of many stock market investors. When a stock or a market reaches a new high, the average investor turns even more bullish. That is also the point when the media talk about it and it becomes headline news. This is now the situation...