Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


September 9, 2016

Technical Analysis of The Markets Via Videos.

If you read some gold-focused web sites you could come away with the belief that movements in the gold price are almost completely random, depending more on the whims/abilities of evil manipulators and the news of the day than on genuine fundamental drivers. The...

After the beach grills cool and get covered for the season, a quiet reality sets in that summer is unofficially over and the first days of school are upon us. Our house remains filled with a thick bittersweet nostalgia from a perfect summer now passed, which...

According to my new research, there is a very important Gold-Silver ratio that every precious metals investor needs to know about. While most precious metals investors are familiar with the Gold-Silver price ratio of 68/1 (presently) as well as the Silver-Gold...

We used to live in societies which observed the Rule of Law. Among the many great ironies and perversities of our social/legal devolution is this. Many of our fundamental principles of law (and justice) were such an integral part of our lives that they were taken...

Do young Americans today know anything about economics? No, they don't, according to a study during the 2016 presidential primary season, which says lots of other Americans don't either. The survey found 58% of millennials favor government-run socialism (...

September 8, 2016

Many people might have the impression that the top 1 percent of society—those making over $521,411—deal mainly in exotic investments such as derivatives, fine art and rare French wines. The truth is actually a lot less exciting

“When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion; when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men...

The past year has seen its fair share of worries. From the China slowdown to the Brexit, successive waves of overseas fear have rolled onto our shores since 2015, yet none of them were the terrible Tsunamis the bears had predicted.

The heat I took last week over my "Back up the Truck" call was somewhat comedic in that every guru out there was urging "extreme caution." Meantime, what was I telling you that I was doing? I was buying every gold/silver share and call option that I could afford in...

It ain't working. Eight years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, central bank chiefs suggest they have saved the world, but have they? We argue central banks have become part of the problem, not the solution. At its core, their indoctrinated focus on...

The price of gold historically remained stable for 200 hundred years up to 1914, except for the period of the Napoleonic wars from 1797-1821.

Mark Cuban just conceded to me that Central Banks have cornered the bond market. Cuban is a billionaire investor, owner of the Dallas Mavericks - and is reality TV star from Shark Tank. He’s also begun making a series of strange media appearances in which he claims...

As a recognized thought leader in the gold and fintech space, Jan will augment GoldCore’s research capabilities and will focus on the UK economy and gold’s role as an important diversification, payment and savings vehicle.

In the world of phenomena, everything has a beginning and an end; and today, the bankers’ endgame is moving closer to its inevitable resolution and demise. The question is no longer if, it is when and how.

September 7, 2016

It is my privilege now to be joined by our good friend David Morgan of The Morgan Report. David, I hope you've been having a good summer and welcome back. It's always a pleasure to talk to you.

What a difference a year (and an extra $245 an ounce) makes… At this time in 2015, with the price of gold nosing below $1,100, mining companies were in the last stages of the “Great Dividend Cut.” Any free cash flow that a firm once had to pay a substantial dividend...

The futures blew past the 1346.10 target with ease, implying that an ABC pattern of greater magnitude, with a correspondingly higher target, is driving this rally. The one shown projects to 1430.80, about 5.6% above current levels. The futures tripped a theoretical...

The US financial system is in serious trouble - and this one chart confirms it. Investors who understand the negative consequences of this chart would be buying physical gold and silver hand over fist. Unfortunately, Americans have been put to sleep by the...

September 6, 2016

“Total political crap.” That’s how Apple CEO Tim Cook described the European Commission’s ruling that the iPhone maker must pay 13 billion euros ($14.5 billion), plus interest, in back taxes to Ireland, its longtime European host. Meanwhile, the island-nation is...

Yamana Gold Inc. (YRI:TSX; AUY:NYSE; YAU:LSE) continues to be a mixed bag. Operations are on track at most mines, other than Chapada; despite the Chapada shortfall, the company says it remains on track to meet its production guidance around 1.3 million ounces.

Gold has a rough general tendency to decline ahead of the monthly US jobs report, and to gyrate wildly when the report is released…then rally modestly higher for another one to three weeks. The cycle tends to repeat itself with varying degrees of intensity.

Since gold and silver are real money while currencies are debt backed by corrupt and insolvent governments and central banks, should reasonable individuals switch from risky and debt based digital assets to real gold and silver?

The best performing precious metal for the week was silver with a surge of 4.18 percent following the poor jobs report. As seen in the chart below, when comparing the S&P 500 Index and Newmont Mining, the only gold mining stock in that index, on free cash flow...

Some analysts argue that the US economy is strong enough to handle some rate-hiking by the Fed. Others argue that with the economy growing slowly the Fed should err on the side of caution and continue to postpone its next rate hike. Still others argue that the...

Ireland remains especially exposed to another financial shock because of the extremely high levels of public and private debt, the open nature of the economy and Brexit. Irish Central Bank Governor Philip Lane has warned in a pre-budget letter to Minister for...

This month ahead looks choppy for both markets. Gold (especially the miners) has just come off of hard drop. Consequently, we may expect an upward/sideward bias until we get past Mercury Rx (retrograde) around September 22, where we could see a more explosive up...

September 5, 2016

The debacle involving Deutsche Bank’s failure to deliver physical gold from the Xetra-Gold exchange traded commodity (ETC) continued on Friday after a press release from Deutsche Bank. Zero Hedge covered the “non-response” from the beleaguered German bank over the...

Tonight I would like to show you a long term 40 year monthly chart for the $COMPQ which I call the history chart. Some of you were not even born when some of these significance events happened. At the time they seemed significant enough that most thought the end of...

I couldn’t think of a catchy title, so I thought I’d just throw that one out. There are some who think that a gold crash is just down the road. The chart of the Market Vectors Jr. Gold Miners ETF (see below) seems to be pointing in that direction. It is in its...

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The melting point of gold is 1337.33 K (1064.18 °C, 1947.52 °F).

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