The ABC pattern shown is ugly enough to be useful, especially since it has already gifted us with a ‘counterintuitive’ buy signal at the green line that could have been worth as much as $900 per contract if traded. All of the ‘external’ peaks on the hourly chart...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
August 11, 2016
Gold investment demand surged to a record in the first half of 2016. It overtook the previous high seen during the 2009 financial crisis on a “perfect storm” -- according to the ‘Gold Demand Trends Q2 2016’ report which was released by the World Gold Council today...
Let’s start off by taking an in depth look at the INDU as a proxy for the other US stock markets. A year ago this month the INDU put in an important low, which has held support. A very strong rally ensued which took the INDU up to the 17,975 area where it topped out...
August 10, 2016
When I conceived of creating an RRSP-eligible, open-end mutual fund that held precious metals without compromising the fundamental attributes of the metals, I thought that such a fund would be embraced by mining company executives, financial advisors, institutions...
The US and world are heading toward an accelerated breakdown of their economic and financial markets. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of analysts fail to understand the root cause of this impending calamity. This is also true for the majority of precious...
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.” Supposedly, this is a quote from Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild. Ignore the distinct possibility that he did not make this statement, but let’s assume the concept, if not the quote is accurate...
Let’s turn our attention to the global economy. Last week the Bank of England said it would buy 60 billion pounds of government debt in order to cushion the economy against the impact of the recent Brexit vote. England and the European Union are emulating the...
Gold has long been seen as a safe-haven, a place for investors to put their money in times of economic uncertainty and volatility. The year 2016 appears very much to be one of those times…with both prices and demand for gold rising since the start of the year. The...
‘Peak Gold’ is happening which has important ramifications for the gold market and is another long term positive fundamental. This is why we were one of the first analysts to consider the peak gold phenomenon back in 2007 and 2008 and have considered peak gold...
The chart below shows an alternative wave count to the one I proposed earlier this week. At this juncture (8/9/16), we have made a new high at 2187. The daily Stochastics is not confirming this new high - and the top looks irregular along with a tight Bollinger...
Last weekend, I prepared you for the potential set up for the 3rd wave to much higher levels in the metals complex. More specifically, I provided you with a map as to how the 3rd wave set up would look on the GDX, should the market comply by filling in our 8 minute...
August 9, 2016
The Financial Times published an interesting article today in which author Diego Parrilla, investment expert and precious metals specialist, outlines the positive case for gold -- and why the gains seen this year are just the beginning of a new gold bull market:
The monthly US employment reports have no relevance except for their influence on the Fed and market expectations regarding future Fed actions. The moderately strong employment data reported last Friday, for example, provides no information about the current or...
Negative interest rates are an existential threat for insurance companies, pension funds and other financial entities that need positive investment returns to survive. As rates on government bonds have gone negative in Europe and Japan, the above companies have been...
What is the real interest rate? It is the nominal rate minus the inflation rate. This is a problematic idea. Let’s drill deeper into what they mean by inflation.
Precious metals prices recently fell sharply on renewed concerns the Federal Reserve will be raising interest rates sometime this fall. Friday’s jobs report painted a picture of healthy growth, fostering a new round of speculation that Janet Yellen and the FOMC will...
Gold price bulls and bears may all be getting a bit frustrated now, as gold refuses to follow their predicted paths…and simply meanders sideways.
Central bankers are declaring war on cash for one reason only; they want to punish savers and reward speculators and in the process destroy the middle-class. The only way to maintain the illusion that all is well is to get the average Joe to embrace this illusory...
Last Friday saw the release of a bombshell jobs report…with headlines exclaiming that the US economy added over 250,000 jobs in July, far in excess of any forecasts. The reality was far grimmer. Those "jobs" weren't actually created by businesses – they were created...
I came across a very interesting article by David Rosenberg, titled “Bonds are the new stocks and stocks are the new bonds' in which, Mr. Rosenberg made several astute observations: “…as the first of the boomers turn 70, [2016] was the year that for the first time...
August 8, 2016
Gold is one of the rarest elements in the world, making up roughly 0.003 parts per million of the earth’s crust. (For some perspective, one part per million, when converted into time, is equivalent to one minute in two years. Gold is even rarer than that.) If we...
We are currently experiencing a “Kondratiev Winter” stage in this stock market, which is at its’ “tipping” point. This is where nominal to incremental highs on the SPX can be exceeded by 2%, but by no more than 4%. I am observing a MARKET FAILURE right here and...
The best performing precious metal for the week was platinum, which recorded a slight loss of 0.24 percent after falling on Friday in sympathy with the pullback in precious metal prices.
In a recent interview, former US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan (the "Maestro") warned that the economy was experiencing, "the early signs of stagflation." This is a very rare occasion where Mr. Greenspan and I are actually in agreement. I also warned of...
Irish banks AIB and Bank of Ireland, are some of the most vulnerable banks in Europe according to the European Banking Authority stress test of capital strength, which examined 51 institutions across 15 countries and was released last week. Italy’s Monte dei Paschi...
To adequately answer the title question of this article would indubitably demand the voluminous attention of 10 PhD dissertations. The reason being that there are an uncountable number of factors that fuel and guide the greenback’s path. Here are merely a few of...
The title of this segment is actually the subject line of an email sent by subscriber ‘RK’ on Friday, after the post-Payrolls update that included the following statement that RK questioned. From the update:
August 7, 2016
My projection for gold a few weeks back to $2,150 is still not in any jeopardy of failure. There will be bumps along the way such as Friday’s decline, but these by themselves are not anything to worry about. So, when do we arrive at that price? Unfortunately my...
Another solid week for stocks and the positions we bought off the Brexit vote. Summer continues to be great in general after buying stocks right and sitting tight. The weather, music, family, friends and fun factor is also at an all-time high!
In a recent article, Peter Degraaf posted a series of charts including the one below. I must confess I had never seen this particular chart before…but extremely glad it was posted. I knew the monetary base had grown wildly, but did not realize the extent until...