Gold Money Versus Central Banks Paper Ponzi

October 7, 2015

The future direction of the planet is a choice between independent money and the central bankers counter-party paper Ponzi. Gold is independent monetary wealth with incredible wealth value that cannot go broke and over time will progress in value.

gold money

  • Independence

Independent monetary wealth is when the money we use has proven wealth value with no counter-party liability.  Independence is freedom from the influence of others, when we make a choice that we will not acquiesce to be counter-party to the fraud of central bankers and governments.

  • Gold

Gold is independent monetary wealth.

Gold is mined from ore and has incredible value as refined natural physical wealth; 

Gold does not have a national currency and has wealth value beyond national boundaries. It has monetary wealth for people everywhere in the world;

Gold is the mortal enemy of central bankers. It is an independent monetary asset that would prevent central bankers from using their Ponzi counter-party paper to exclusively manage, control and centrally plan the economy;

Gold cannot be printed into existence. It does not have or need the artificial risks from using the central banker’s Ponzi of counterparty liability finance;

Gold or silver have been used over several thousand years as wealth assets by every country in the world, to guarantee the independence and monetary value of their currencies.

Gold is independent money with incredible wealth value that cannot go broke and will over time progress in value;

Gold is the peoples’ completely independent money that has no issuer’s counter-party liability. It protects their wealth from the actions of corrupt governments and financial institutions;

Gold is independent monetary wealth that has increased 5000% since the Federal Reserve Bank was formed in 1913. The people of the United States of America were tricked in 1913 and lost their monetary independence to this privately owned central banking institution. Since that date the Ponzi of the Federal Reserve’s counterparty paper dollar has devalued by an astronomical 97% to 3% of its original purchasing power;

Gold held in the nation’s treasury belongs to its citizens;

Gold in the nation’s treasury, when used as the backing for their currency has the physics of using real wealth to properly fund their enterprise;

Gold is time-proven as established independent monetary wealth and an accepted unit of value, for exchange and as a monetary measure for other goods and services;

Gold is indestructible and has a lasting monetary store of value that safely protects wealth for generations to come;

Gold is chosen for wedding rings because it is a precious metal, the circle is a symbol of eternity and the ring signifies the never ending love between a couple;

Gold as a monetary asset provides a stable economic environment with the confidence from using money with assured wealth in monetary transactions.

Gold used as monetary wealth to fund enterprise has the physics of energy and matter, essential science to underpin the productive dynamic of a nation.

Gold and silver coins in the United States are engraved with the one counter-party necessary in our lives. Conveyed with absolute respectful humility “In God We Trust”.

  • Money

Money is defined as any good that can be used in exchange for other goods and services and as payment of a debt. It must be a tangible asset to provide a reliable unit of measure that can properly value other goods and services. It must be accepted as a recognizable stable monetary unit of wealth in conducting international or national trade and to provide a reliable store of value that protects wealth.

Counter-party money is someone else’s liability, it is the liability owed to the issuing central bank and it has no value apart from a legal stipulation that prevents real money from being used in competition.

  • Enterprise

Enterprise is the energy behind all productivity and creates all prosperity.  There is no substitute for enterprise and yet banks and socialist politicians would have us believe that enterprise is not necessary to create wealth.

These same banks and socialist politicians would have us believe that we should use only fake money and lose our independence to their central planning and control.

  • Counter-party

Counter-party is being party to someone else’s liability.  When that institution acts criminally such as counterfeiting the money we use then, by acquiescence, we in turn are counter-party to fraud.

  • Capitalism

Centrals bankers are faced with a deflating monetary house of cards built by the enormous leveraging of their counter-party paper that has distorted the values of every asset class.

To save their deflating counter-party monetary system, central bankers are Ponzi trapped into issuing massive amounts of counterfeit quantitative easing and ZIRP or negative interest rates.

This unlimited cheap central bank finance is made available to the circle of money elite and has allowed an astronomical concentration of wealth resources to be transferred to privileged oligarchs, as well as the circle of well connected mega-corporations.

For the enterprising middle class, zero interest and astronomical amounts of counterfeit quantitative easing, means that they have no rate of return on their capital. This is the tragic end of capitalism.

For the working and growing numbers of poor, the policies of zero interest and astronomical amounts of counterfeit quantitative easing means a lifetime working for survival wages under corporate neo-feudalism, ‘Big Brother’ taxation and the hopeless reality of their economic future.

  • Freedom

Freedom and prosperity begins when we choose to fund our enterprise using independent proven monetary wealth that has no counterparty liability.

Our freedoms, enterprise, independence and prosperity come to a tragic end when we acquiescence to the counter-party liability of the central banker’s monetary system based on Ponzi paper.

  • Ponzi-ism

Capitalism, Monetarism, Corporatism, Socialism, Globalism, Keynesianism and Communism are each unquestioned ideologies inflicted on the intelligence of humanity to steal their freedoms, enterprise, independence and prosperity.

The reality of physics can scientifically invalidate the deception in each one of these corrupt ‘ism’ belief dogmas.


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Seventy-five percent of all gold in circulation has been extracted since 1910
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