Investors Beware…Credit Market Collapse Warning

Executive & Research Director @ GoldCore
December 15, 2015

Money Week editor John Stepek has looked at the recent mutual fund collapse in the junk bond market and correctly warns that it is a canary in the coal mine:

If you were around during the financial crisis, you might remember that fund closures became one of the canaries in the coal mine.
Various funds failed in the run-up to the crisis, as bad bets on risky assets went wrong and the economic backdrop became steadily less forgiving.
Why am I reminding you of this? Because we’ve just seen the biggest mutual fund failure in the US since 2008…
The full Money Week article can be read here

Mark O'Byrne is executive and research director of which he founded in 2003. GoldCore have become one of the leading gold brokers in the world and have over 4,000 clients in over 40 countries and with over $200 million in assets under management and storage.We offer mass affluent, HNW, UHNW and institutional investors including family offices, gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion in London, Zurich, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai and Perth. 

The term “carat” comes from “carob seed,” which was standard for weighing small quantities in the Middle East.
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