Gold Price Analysis

Gold Market Analyst & Author
February 16, 2016

Market Update

What a difference two weeks can make....!!

Gold has clearly broken out of its falling wedge - earlier than anticipated. The stellar performance during the last two weeks has likely changed the big picture and probably marks the starting point of a new multi-year bull market. But short-term Gold and the mining stocks have become very overbought. The price action during the last two days is sending a warning signal and we are likely going to see a large pullback in spring. The situation reminds me of 2001 (chart) when Gold also shot through the roof only to retrace all the gains pretty quickly. Back then it corrected all the way back to its 50MA within a matter of days. Currently that would mean a test of the breakout level around $1,110 - $1,130. Be very careful here at the moment. I am very sure that the market will give us more opportunities to buy at much lower prices until summer. Just be patient.

The other emphasis of my analysis, Bitcoin, seems to follow my scenario of an ascending triangle while the general stockmarket and oil are ripe for a multi-week recovery.

The Midas Touch Gold Model on a Buy Signal since January 26th

The model remained in bullish mode during the last two weeks. Obviously due to Gold´s strength the bullish mode has intensified. The recent changes include buy signals from:

 Gold USD - Monthly Chart

Ratio DowJones/Gold

US-Dollar Daily Chart

A new sell signal is coming from:

Gold Volatility CBOE Index

A neutral signal is coming from:

US-Dollar CoT-Report

Overall a very strong bull signal. But be aware that it doesn't take much more downside action to flip the signals from Gold in Indian Rupee and Gold in Chinese Yuan to a sell signal. As well the available CoT numbers for Gold do not include last week´s spike! I think we will quickly see my model shift to neutral mode but obviously that is my personal opinion. Until now the model is bullish and has been created to take out any personal interpretation.

Gold broke out of ist falling wedge on the monthly chart

Mid- and long-term this bullish and the bottom is very likely in. But short-term Gold is about to fall back within the downtrend-channel of the last three years. Combined with the unsupportive seasonality until June I think we will see a large pullback starting rather soon.

Gold with spectacular and parabolic rise but close to a sell signal

With the daily chart we are zooming into the recent price action. Instead of pulling back around $1,140 Gold surprised nearly everybody (including me) and rushed to the upside. But looking forward to the next couple of weeks and months I am now very cautious and even outspoken bearish. To get more clarity about what Gold can do from here I am going to lay out the three basic directions any market can take: up, down and sideways. 

  1. The imminent bullish case: The ongoing pullback this morning confirms a short-term top at $1,263.90 is in place. But if Gold still wants to continue and push higher towards the next target around $1,300 the support zone between $1,190-$1,210 has to hold. As you can see in my model update Gold in Yuan and in Rupee can not fall much lower from here ($1,209) without triggering a sell signal. That means Gold has to stay above $1,205 (today´s low so far is $1,207). So should we get a bounce from here Gold has to quickly regain $1,230 and especially $1,242 to keep the bullish picture alive. In that case we should see $1,300 rather soon. The probability for this scenario is only 15%.
  2. The sideways consolidation case: Gold has become very overbought and needs at least a breather. As long as it stays above $1,205 and especially above $1,180 we could see a sideways consolidation. The slow stochastic could stay embedded in that case. The probability for this scenario is 25%.
  3. The bearish case: Gold is extremely overbought. RSI and MACD are extremely overbought. Thursday and Friday´s close have been outside the upper Bollinger Bands. The Parabolic Sar will flip to a sell signal below $1,181. Gold stocks are heavily overbought too. Such a first parabolic rise has always been corrected in the past! GDX & Co. usually have retraced 55% of their sharp advances in the past. Sentiment levels are way too optimistic. The Kitco Gold survey has seen three weeks in a row > 85% bulls. The general stock-market is oversold and ready for a bounce. Silver has been kind of lagging the current move. The Gold/Siver-Ratio has not confirmed the recent spike in precious metals. Seasonality is not supportive anymore. We often have seen dramatic sell-offs starting in February or March. I could continue on and on. The probability for the bearish scenario is at least 60% and I expect Gold to fall down all the way back to its 50MA because jumping above the 200MA for the first time since many months usually forces prices to correct at least back to the 200MA more likely down to the 50MA.

Conclusion: Gold mostly likely will start a severe pullback towards $1,130 rather soon. But overall the picture has improved -- and I expect we won't see prices below $1,100 anymore.

Action to take:

Nothing. Stay at the sidelines but plan to buy with both hands once Gold is pulling back towards its 200MA ($1,130) and especially towards its 50MA ($1,105).
Only experienced traders could sell Gold short into any intraday spike towards $1,228 - $1,241 with a tight stopp at $1,255 and a profit target at $1,130.
Investors should continue to buy with both hands if Gold moves below $1,130 again until you have at least 10% of your net-worth in physical Gold and Silver.

Long-term personal beliefs (my bias)

Officially Gold is still in a bear market but the big picture has massively improved and the lows are very likely in. If Gold can take out $1,307 we finally have a new series of higher highs. If this bear is over a new bull-market should push Gold towards $1,500 within 1-3 years.

My long-term price target for the DowJones/Gold-Ratio remains around 1:1.
and 10:1 for the Gold/Silver-Ratio. A possible long-term price target for Gold remains around US$5,000 to US$8,900 per ounce within the next 5-8 years (depending on how much money will be printed..).

Fundamentally, as soon as the current bear market is over, Gold should start the final 3rd phase of this long-term secular bull market. 1st stage saw the miners closing their hedge books, the 2nd stage continuously presented us news about institutions and central banks buying or repatriating gold. The coming 3rd and finally parabolic stage will end in the distribution to small inexperienced new traders & investors who will be subject to blind greed and frenzied panic.

Bitcoin could become the "new money" for the digital 21st century. It is free market money but surely politicians and central bankers will thrive to regulate it soon.


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© Florian Grummes 2015 all rights reserved

Hohenzollerstrasse 36, 80802 Munich, Germany

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The above represents the opinion and analysis of Mr Florian Grummes, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Grummes's opinions are his own and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities. Mr. Grummes is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations mentioned in the Midas Touch. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Grummes recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although a qualified and experienced stock market analyst, Florian Grummes is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Grummes's opinions on the market and stocks can only be construed as a solicitation to buy and sell securities when they are subject to the prior approval and endorsement of a Registered Securities Advisor operating in accordance with the appropriate regulations in your area of jurisdiction. The passing on and reproduction of this report is only legal with a written permission of the author. This report is free of charge. You can sign up here:

Hinweis gemäß § 34 WpHG (Deutschland):

Mitarbeiter und Redakteure des Midas Touch Gold Newsletter halten folgende in dieser Ausgabe besprochenen Wertpapiere: physisches Gold und Silber, Bitcoins sowie Gold-Terminkontrakte.

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Florian Grummes 

Hohenzollernstrasse 36 

80801 München


E-Mail: [email protected] 


Florian Grummes (born 1975 in Munich) has been  studying and trading the Gold market since 2003. In 2008 he started publishing a bi-weekly extensive gold analysis containing technical chart analysis as well as fundamental and sentiment analysis. Parallel to his trading business he is also a very creative & successful composer, songwriter and music producer. You can reach Florian at: [email protected].

The world’s largest gold nugget is 61 lbs, 11 oz and is on display in Las Vegas.
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