If 2016 Wasn’t The Epocalypse, What The Heck Was it?

Market Commentator & Financial Writer
January 4, 2017

So 2016 wasn’t the predicted Epocalypse, but it sure was weird! Globally, it was a year of continued economic malaise and increasing financial risks. Most notably, though, it was a year of political upheaval that pitted voters in the UK, Italy and the US in civil wars at the ballot box. Here are a few of the otherworldly highlights that typified the troubles of 2016:

You may have thought it was your nation’s worst year or maybe even the world’s worst if you…

  • were a globalist and saw your world start to fly apart in Brexit and other pending exits or
  • if you were a European citizen who had to watch your streets lit on fire or your friends get raped and pillaged due to unimaginable immigration inflation
  • or a Hillarite and you watched your wretched bobble-head candidate faint from crisis to crisis, win the popular vote in spite of the endless scandals, and still lose the electoral vote to someone you regarded as a boisterous buffoon
  • or you were a Hillarite who revolted against the election results after lambasting her opponent for not agreeing before the results to accept them no matter what … and then found yourself unable to overturn the election
  • or a Sanders supporter and you watched your candidate get a shiv in his back from his own party
  • or the president of the United States who saw his whole eight-year legacy game plan end in an incomplete pass to a player who left the field
  • or George Soros who couldn’t buy an election that year with all the money in the world, only to rant like a baby about how the world would end due to one man who trumped him at every turn
  • or anyone important in the Democratic Party who used email that year
  • or a member of the mainlining media, which saw its overrated reputation finally shredded because your networks endlessly retold fake news stories, hoping to spin them into golden threads of truth by merely spinning the wheel of the news cycle over and over
  • or a Trumpette who had to endure months of seeing your candidate endlessly lied about and who then faced the hatred of half of the US population when you won anyway because the electoral college does what it does
  • or a Trumpette who watched in bewilderment as your anti-establishment candidate backpedalled on nearly all your favorite issues and lined up the establishment’s Who’s Who for a cabinet and kissed up to the house speaker you couldn’t stand and backed away from putting crooked Hillary in jail because she’s “good people”
  • or if you just got weary of watching the liars call the liars … “liars”
  • or an Israelite who saw the US pave the way for future UN actions against your nation with the unorthodox withholding of a veto
  • or a Venezuelan or Brazilian who watched your economy fall into abject ruin to where a bag of bread will cost you a bag of money (so you might as well eat your dough before you spend it)
  • or a Chicagoan who accidentally left home without your gun that year
  • or anyone who doesn’t like mushrooming wars in the Middle East as you watched the US president attempt to launch the world’s first cyberwar with the world’s other greatest nuclear power over alleged weapons of cyber destruction
  • or if you lived in Syria and had to watch the US empower its arch enemy ISIS to kill your children in order to oust a leader who never did anything good but never did much directly against the US either
  • or if you were CEO of one of the two oldest and largest banks in the world that weathered every storm in 150 years only to beg for money and your bank’s survival this year
  • or the CEO of an oil company or the head of any oily Arab state, dying under your own policies as you, ironically, kill off your own OPEC cartel
  • or a bond-fund manager.

Yes, it was annus horribilis for many, as Queen Elizabeth II said of the year when her palace burned and her princess daughter-in-law died and scandal plagued the family. 2016 wasn’t just a year of bad things; it was a year of freaky bad things; but it wasn’t the end of the world … so far.

If it wasn’t the actual Epocalypse, it must have been its antechamber. If it wasn’t the queen of all bad years, it was her joker. And its whirling dervish of abnormalities came foremost because it was the first year in the history of the world where globalists everywhere saw sweeping peasant revolts turn against seventy years of expanding unification under centralized control.

With That As Backdrop, Here Is My Second Prediction For 2017:

This is the year the globalists dig in and fight back. They will fight to the death of any and all opponents before they will see seventy-plus years of globalizing work plowed under. That means conflict and economic turmoil will escalate all over the world in 2017. The fight is on.

Maybe the Epocalypse comes as an exponentially faster acceleration into global hellishness and not a sudden plunge over the abyss. Maybe it’s not “Epocalypse Now,” as I announced last year but Epocalypse Dawning in years of ever increasing aberration that are now the new norm.

David Haggith

David Haggith publishes The Daily Doom and writes satire. The Daily Doom contains economic, social, and political news about our troubled times--a non partisan weekday collection of the most consequential stories about our complex times with insightful editorials  and weekly economic analysis. As an equal-opportunity critic of America's sharply divided, two-ring political circus, David divides his satire into sister publications so you can pick the one you find agreeable and ignore her sassy sister.

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