The State of the Union

February 11, 2002

You know you are in trouble when President Pretzel singles out Teddy Kennedy and praises him for his education "bipartisanship" during his State of the Union speech. The State of the Union isn't good as Bushocio claimed. Bushocio's strings are being pulled by Enron, among others, to deceive the brain dead populace into permanent war, mindless patriotism and economic lunacy on a scale truly beyond comprehension. The Senators and Representatives, the same ones who voted the American Republic out of existence, without even reading the Patriot Act which did it, cheered wildly like the robots they truly are. And out here in TV land, we watched as the sugary political syrup was sprayed on us like a Christmas tree getting frocked. I'm afraid the political class has both failed and been successful. They have failed the Republic, our history and the people terribly. However, they have feathered their own nests, lined their own pockets and guaranteed a comfortable existence in these last, bizarre days of the American Republic. After all, isn't that what politics in late stage Imperial United States is all about?

If President Pretzel's comments on the war on Terrorism were outrageous, his comments on the economy were pure lunacy. Have we caught Mr. Bin Laden or Mullah Omar? Our victory includes spending several billion dollars a month, deploying massive resources to Afghanistan and allowing the Russians to seize the northern third of the country. Give me defeat anyday.

The Greek writer Polybius tells us that the Athenian Democracy collapsed once the people figured out they could vote themselves other people's money. Politicians became corrupt as soon as they figured out they could get reelected by redistributing other people's money to specific groups favorable to them. President Bush, this is the true state of the United States. The interesting thing to me, historically I mean, was a so called Republican conservative President proposed to create a Prescription Drug benefit. In other words, the State of the United States is this: Republicans, so called conservatives, propose wealth redistribution on a small scale and Democrats, so called liberals, propose a wealth redistribution on a larger scale. And there you have the core difference between our two parties. The only difference are the amounts involved and the particular groups targeted for bribery.

In my spirit I sense that the United State's 70 years are up. The 70 years refers to the Jews being allowed to return to Jerusalem from Babylon after their captivity. In our case, I think it refers to the end of the United States and its political, economic, cultural and military institutions. FDR took office in March, 1932 and we are nearly 70 years from that date exactly. Whatever the United States is today economically began in March 1932. Even a brief glance at Bush's 2003 budget shows why the fiat dollar system is imploding before my very eyes. I think FDR started a process seventy years ago that is reaching its logical conclusion as I write this essay. I'm afraid the jig is up for the United States. In the brutal clarity of honest accounting the verdict is rendered despite the illusions, delusions and protests of our corrupt elite and debased populace. The United States is bankrupt Mr. President, but I guess you couldn't be bothered to mention that in your address now could you?

The reason the media publishes the Federal budget in great detail is they understand most citizens of the United States won't understand it. Of all the insanity of last week one event sticks out in my mind the most. My work schedule changed, they laid off one guy and now I get to do his job as well as my old one. I get off at 5:30 pm instead of 7 pm. The result is I have been watching a lot of TV news at 6pm the last two weeks. With my own eyes I watched the three economic stooges, Mr. Magoo, the FDIC head and one other I don't remember testifying before a Senate committee on financial illiteracy among the American people. The reason financial ignorance amongst the American populace is now a problem is Enron. It seems Enron is now the fault of all those idiot investors who weren't educated enough to realize they were being sodomized by the system. The same education system that President Bush thanked Senator Kennedy for helping to repair. Except Senator Kennedy helped create the education system which results in mass ignorance amongst the American populace. A mass ignorance that I might add is deliberately induced by the new world order elite to maintain control. So, in late stage American Imperial life the elite educates us to be ignorant, steals our money in a rigged and corrupt system and then blames us for being ignorant!

The day is coming when God will crush the United States elite so completely the rest of the world will shit in their pants in terror. It doesn't even bother me anymore that I will have to die with them. The situation in the United States is unbearable for any citizen with a sense of honor, decency or integrity. "Oh LORD, you are true to your promises, and your word is like silver heated seven times in a fiery furnace. You will protect us and always keep us safe from those people. But all who are wicked will keep on strutting while everyone praises their shameless deeds." Psalm 12, verses 6,7;8 CEV

The reason the citizen's of the United States, most of them anyway, are financially ignorant is that it makes easier the raping, looting and pillaging commonly called capitalism. This ignorance also helps the political class cover up the bankrupt state of the union. Do you think the US government doesn't play the same off budget fantasy account games that Enron and a host of US corporations play? O.K., here I will prove it. For starters, the Federal Budget is 2.13 TRILLION DOLLARS. 41% goes for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Another 9%, goes for interest on the 6 TRILLION DOLLAR national debt. Fifty percent of our total Federal Budget is for interest payments and income redistribution. And Bush's great moment in his speech is to increase it to 51% through a prescription drug plan.

The big uproar on Enron is they hid debts offshore and made them look like income. Oh yeah, am I having fun here or what. The whore press tells us that President Pretzel, our duly appointed, by the five fools at the Supreme Court, will only have a budget deficit of 80 billion dollars in 2003. The whore press tells us that total receipts will be 2.048 Trillion and a total budget of 2.128 Trillion. Of that in 2003 nearly 750 billion dollars (749.2) will be in Social Security taxes. Social Security costs will be 475.9 billion and Medicare costs will be 234.4 billions. The money collected from me today will be spent today on the current program. The State of the Union is that the 750 billion dollar per year UNFUNDED SOCIAL SECURITY LIABILITY is hidden off budget, i.e. off shore, just like Enron and a host of other US corporations. Do you see the 600 billion dollar liability from Fannie or Ginnie Mae on the US government books? Or how about the trillions of dollars in loan guarantees for banks, countries etc. etc. etc? Nope, all of this massive debt is hidden offshore just like Enron. By my accounting the Federal Budget deficit for this year is nearly 800 billion dollars. Pro Forma earnings aren't limited to Wall Street; they are used by both government and corporations to defraud and cheat, to lie and to steal and maintain the illusion of a free and prosperous American Republic.

The seventy years are up. The illusions are ending. The United States economy is a sham and a fraud, run by corrupt pigs gorging themselves at the expense of the people. The people are waking up and seeing the way they have been cheated and manipulated by our so called leaders. The rest of the world is now realizing the preening arrogance of the United States is based on an economic fantasy of fiat money, debt and derivatives. The rest of the world despises the United States for its politics, culture and most of all its economy. Isn't it interesting that Mr. Bin Laden specifically targeted the United States economy? It's there that we are most vulnerable, even as President Pretzel beats his chest in military and economic triumph. The rest of the world is watching, waiting and preparing for their first strike to ruin our economy. The globalist leaders have decided the United State's seventy years is up. They will shatter our economy and then move in and buy up the pieces in the fire sale. The same way our Wall Street Vikings have looted Russia, Argentina, Thailand and a host of other countries. Not a word of this escapes the whore media, or any of our leaders-either because they are too stupid and arrogant to see it, or because they are in on the treason. If anyone in the United States thinks the rest of the world will allow us to conquer half the world in our war on terror they are sadly mistaken. All Bush's comments on the "axis of evil" did was increase the fear and loathing towards the United States around the world. The United States is headed towards a military and economic disaster that will remove us from superpower status. And very few see it inside the United States. Very few understand exactly what we face over the next few months and years. Israel and the United States against the world is the plan. What isn't in the plan is the rest of the world destroying both Israel and the United States. Guess that wasn't worth including in the State of the Union address either.

Impending Doom takes all the fun out of decadent living- Iago

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