Brian Bloom

Brian Bloom Articles

If it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck – then its probably a duck. The five charts below show clearly that: The Dow Jones Industrial Average has topped – having broken up in a “last gasp lunge” above a ...
30% to 45% assuming consumers remain rational and assuming commercial banks are able to cope with a possible increase in their levels of non-performing loans.
It seems to me that the gold price is consolidating within a bull trend…and may be close to a bottom. Gold seems to offer an attractive "investment" opportunity if one takes a 5-10 year view. Thereafter, who knows?
The desperation that was evidenced by the GOP's Colorado decision was just one of several symptoms that suggest the authorities are losing control. After examining the charts, I think we are days/weeks away from a market crash. Here's...
Stressful times ahead as it becomes transparent that Central Banks cannot be part of the solution…given that the Central Banks have largely caused the problems facing the global economy.
This article is intended to hit the reader like a brick in the face, because quiet reasoning doesn’t seem to have any impact at all. Here’s the proposition that needs to be considered: If the Chinese authorities are unable to hold the...
Markets go up and they come down. The oil price is falling NOW. When the uneconomic wells have been closed down we will be facing shortages and resulting RISING energy prices. The time to act is BEFORE the crisis hits, not after it hits.
The daily chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Index shows a significant technical non-confirmation: The On Balance Volume segment of the chart has been falling in the face of a rising Index, which indicates that sellers have been taking...
Given the emerging realisation that the Chinese Emperor has no clothes, and given the lacklustre performance of the Japanese, French and UK markets, and given that Germany’s economy is heavily dependent on exports, where will the growth...
We now have five signals that the US equity market is entering a Primary Bear Trend (Confirms the prognosis of the S&P Global 1200 Index). Rounding top on both Industrials and Transports. The DJ Industrials’ fall to a lower low than...

The melting point of gold is 1337.33 K (1064.18 °C, 1947.52 °F).

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