Brian Bloom

Brian Bloom Articles

"How to win friends and influence people". This was the catch phrase of Dale Carnegie - a guy who offered a self improvement course a couple of generations ago. The key to success in life and business, according to Carnegie, is to tell...
In 35 years of watching markets I have never seen anything quite like the three charts that follow: The daily yield oscillator looks like it may be bottoming out The weekly yield oscillator is giving a sell signal The monthly yield...
Once in a while it becomes necessary to take a step back and do a "reality check" on the overall state of the markets.
I am personally convinced that gold is the most valuable commodity in the world, but my conviction flows from gold's physical properties as opposed to its status as a reserve currency.
Lease rates are spiking up again. My view here is that the shorts are leasing silver and are "dumping" what they have leased into the market in an attempt to get the price down as much as possible.
Summary & Conclusion
A strong argument can be put forward as to why the equity markets "should" be collapsing and "should" be in a bear trend. Don't get me wrong, I happen to agree with these arguments and there is no way that I will personally invest in...
A strong argument can be put forward as to why the equity markets "should" be collapsing and "should" be in a bear trend. Don't get me wrong, I happen to agree with these arguments and there is no way that I will personally invest in...
Summary The article below concludes that the world's financial markets have reached a critically important juncture. We appear to be facing a situation where the World's Central Bankers are either going to lose ultimate control over the...
Today's move of the US Dollar Index to 87.98 represents a fairly significant technical break down below the longer term Moving Averages on all three charts below (Courtesy

Due primarily to the California Gold Rush, San Francisco’s population exploded from 1,000 to 100,000 in only two years.

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