GE Christenson

Market Analyst, Author, and Founder of The Deviant Investor

Gary ChristensonGary Christenson is the owner and writer for the popular and contrarian investment site Deviant Investor and the author of the book, “Gold Value and Gold Prices 1971 – 2021.” He is a retired accountant and business manager with 30 years of experience studying markets, investing, and trading. He writes about investing, gold, silver, the economy and central banking.

GE Christenson Articles

BREAKING NEWS! This is the last regular article from Gary Christenson and Miles Franklin. I appreciate you, my readers. Thank you! Miles Franklin will occasionally issue special reports. Miles Franklin has been in the precious metals and...
Americans love bubbles. We went crazy in 1929 and drove stocks to record highs. The Dow returned to 1929 highs in 1954, not counting inflation and survivorship bias. Bubbles are dangerous and destructive.
It’s a new era—or is it? Debt increases, QE continues, and the dollar devalues. This new era sounds like the past five decades of fiscal and monetary craziness. Bubbles pop. We don’t know when, but they always pop.
Expect more of the same for 2021 – massive debt, central bank “printing,” and dollar devaluation, while consumer prices and inflation rise. Gold and silver have been insurance and protection for thousands of years. They will shine in 2021.
Gold rose $58 to $1,840 (recent low about $1,760) for the week ended December 6, while silver rose $1.66 to $24.21 (recent low around $22.00) for the week. As we descend into the Twilight Zone, the major stock indices made new highs this...
STORY AT A GLANCE – week ending November 27: Gold prices made a significant low during November or December in 8 of the last ten years. Gold prices are low and over-sold as of Nov. 27. The gold to S&P 500 ratio shows gold is...
News From Future October 2024: The Federal Reserve sold another $200 billion in perpetual bonds this week. These “Perps,” as the media refers to them, have no expiration date and pay interest forever, or until recalled.
For the week ending September 25, 2020: Gold (COMEX) was down $95 to $1,858. Silver was down $4.03 to $23.09. Yikes! The DOW was down 483 to 27,174. Tesla stock was down $34 to $407. Its all-time high was $502. John Mauldin expects $50...
The life cycles of Chairpersons of the Federal Reserve resemble royals. For a few years they are closely watched, every word is analyzed, and they are treated as royalty—because they control the flow of fiat currency units. But after they...
Gold reached $1,800, close to its all-time high of $1,923. Silver reached $19, a long way from its high of $50. The NASDAQ hit another new high. Tesla closed on July 10 at $1,544, a new high. Tesla looked outrageously high at $1,200. Now ...

Gold is found in nature in quartz veins

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