Don Stott

Don Stott Articles

Tuesday afternoon, after hours, the phone rang, and an 82 year old man said that someone had told him to call me. He is very wealthy, and has gobs of money in CD/s and actual cash on hand. At least he says so, and he does talk like it. He...
As a kid, I always loved to play Monopoly. It's great game for kids to learn, as it teaches basic economics very nicely. I used to play a lot with my cousin Keith, and we used a term when we had to mortgage properties to pay off our...
"Well, look how low it's gone. I'm scared it will go down further." Or, "Jeez, it's just sitting there, isn't it?" For crying out loud, don't be ridiculous! Exactly one year ago…one year back, to the day I am writing this, gold was $607,...
The mark of intelligence is the ability to change one's mind if facts demand it. I think I am intelligent, and what I am about to write, will outrage a lot of you, but I have given this a lot of thought, and as a result believe it to be...
Ok Guys, I defy you to tell me, "What is a dollar?" You can't define it? It's sort of like trying to define a circular stairway without using your hands, I guess. Maybe a dictionary will help? Webster's New World Dictionary 3rd College Ed...
I wrote about this back in January, but the questions still come to me regularly, so I'll reiterate it again, with more details. "I'd better get a few small gold coins so that I can barter when the dollar fails." "I need silver coins so I...
Paper money, over the years, and in all lands, have taken all forms and designs. These designs are universally created to instill trust. Things are no different now than they were when paper was first invented. Paper, printed with...
On June 3, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the then President of the United States, issued an Executive Order, which appears to still be in effect. It basically states that the United States Treasury shall issue silver backed dollars...
We've seen how the prices have gone up over the years, which merely means that the dollar has been inflated, or its quantity increased. Why? To pay the bills the politicians have run up to make themselves popular and get re-elected. Not...
Last week, I mentioned that under FDR, to me, our worst President outside of Lincoln, Johnson, and most of them during the last hundred years I suspect, the welfare system got into gear, which debased the buck tremendously, and still does...

China has only 2% of its Total Foreign Reserves in gold.

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