Tim Wood

Tim Wood Articles

Many know that the economy is not good. Fact is, the economic issues actually began in 2000 and have only been made worse. The world economy is in a systemic crisis - and I am going to show you the stock market bubble that has resulted...
The Dow Theory non-confirmation that began forming in February has been a warning. The Great Dow Theorist Robert Rhea once said, “A wise man leaves the market alone when the averages do not agree.”
From my seat and in light of the price action this past week, I truly find the lack of understanding surrounding Dow Theory amusing. I also find the content from most any article on this subject to be inaccurate and/or typically...
As equities continued to rise during the advance into the 2007 top, I screamed from the roof tops that it was a bear market advance and that the efforts to prop the markets up only served to make matters worse. That certainly proved to be...
With the last all time closing high on the Dow Jones Industrial Average having occurred on September 18th, it is an indisputable fact that as of this writing, structurally, the advance out of the 2009 low remains intact. From a Dow theory...
Over the years that I’ve published my research letters, I have routinely observed selective thinking.  In reality, what I have found is that rather than seeking the truth, people actually seek out opinion that supports their own.    Now,...
It seems to be human nature to hear what one wants to hear and most advisors, so-called “analysts”, newsletter writers and commentators seem to feed people the popular line.  Why?
I told my subscribers back at the 2009 low that the longer the rally out of that low lasted, the more convincing it would become.   At the time I made this statement, I did not truly understand how profound it would become.   I have...
The Fed’s action to either raise or lower rates has become a major focal point for the markets in recent years. It seems that the vast majority of the public believes that the Fed is actually controlling interest rates and as a result that...
It has been a while since I have talked about ratio analysis and because of a few developments of late, I thought that this may be a good time to do so. First, let me begin by explaining to those that may not understand, a ratio chart is...

One ounce of gold is so ductile it can be drawn into a wire 50 miles long

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