Joseph M. Miller

Joseph M. Miller Articles

Two years have passed since the above essay was written and much has happened in the interim; therefore it is time to revisit the essay and update the statistics it contained. The central theme and important message of the essay was the...
The purpose of this essay is to show just how distorted (overpriced) the US stock markets have become during the last decade. The main exhibit to prove this point is the relationship between the price of the S&P 500 Index and the P/E...
In the year 1999 Daan Joubert, Marion Butler and Joseph Miller jointly authored an ambitious research work titled 12,000 Years of Elliott Waves and What This Means for the 21st Century (
Frank Veneroso recently put together for GATA a review of the current situation in leased gold and the current supply/demand picture for gold as he sees it: I wrote an article in June 2000 that made...
It is a useful exercise to revisit periodically previously written articles to determine how they have aged, with a view to determining what has proven correct in the article and what was in error. This was done recently for the article...
During the first part of this year, I wrote an article for Gold-Eagle titled GOLD, COMMON SENSE AND PATIENCE. That was during the dark days for gold prices and gold bulls, when it looked like there was little or no hope for gold ownership...
During the last part of 1998 and continuing into 1999, there has been an increasing amount of soul-searching among intelligent people around the world over the condition of our money system, asset market price levels, political problems in...
Many gold market observers and participants have marveled at the gold price action over the last few years, feeling it has defied any rational explanation. That feeling is easy to understand when the facts are observed in historical...
Students, analysts, traders and just observers of the gold market will find an article by Peter Brimelow in the May 4, 1998 issue of Forbes (pages 50-51) very interesting. The chart of gold prices from the 1300's to the present time (...

China has only 2% of its Total Foreign Reserves in gold.

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